Chapter 1

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“Suho, are you ready for the parade?” his youngest brother calls, rounding the corner into Suho’s private room. Suho smiles at him while buttoning up his formal riding shirt. It was the first parade that Kai was allowed to ride with his brothers and father in the front; it was natural that he be excited.

    “I’m ready,” Suho assures with a smile then ruffles his brother’s hair. Together, they walk out to the stables where horses are prepared with the traditional festive robes. Maneuvering around the robes could prove tricky, but the young men climb onto their respective horses' backs with no difficulty since they had been trained to ride before they could walk. The traditional oranges and reds of their country waving on beautiful flags, ribbons, and banners bring delighted smiles to their handsome faces. But as they approach their father, Emperor of Kana, their happy expressions are schooled into blank canvases. The emperor appeared to be scolding Xiumin, their eldest brother and the crown prince, about something. Suho guesses that it is something quite meaningless, as Xiumin looks terribly annoyed. Their father always becomes irritable when the annual parade came around. He never hides his distaste for walking through the streets and mingling with the common-folk. No matter how much he hates it though, it is the tradition. Although, Suho knows that the only reason that his father doesn’t dissolve the holiday is because of the feast that would come later in the night. Suho always retired before anyone became drunk, but his older brother, Xiumin, has told him stories of the dancers and the sex. Suho isn’t missing out on much, in his personal opinion.

    “Father, is Mother not ready yet?” Suho questions when they arrive, noting how the empress is nowhere to be seen.

    “She wasn’t feeling well this morning, according to Eunuch Sehun.”

    “Again?” Suho frowns in concern. 

His mother was older than his father; they had been wed when his father was 15 and she was nearly 30. His mother had been beautiful then; her skin had no wrinkles and her body was perfectly proportioned. She had none of the health problems she did now, but she had also been younger then. Bearing four sons and a daughter would take a toll on anybody. His sister was just as beautiful as his mother was, if not more.

    However, he never saw his sister anymore. As soon as Yarin had turned 16, she had been locked up with the rest of the women in the household until she is married off. Then and only then would he get to truly see and speak with her again, permitted that her husband is a kind man. Suho would do his damnedest to make sure that her husband is someone who would treat her well, but in the end, he knew that his opinion didn’t matter. He was the second son; he had no real power.

    His mother comes out then, as does his brother Chen, who is assisting her. She looks terribly pale, causing Suho’s heart to clench with concern. She shouldn’t be going out, but his father would sooner die than show any signs of kindness before the population. Kindness is weakness. 

So both she and his father climb into the litter. As soon as Chen is mounted, the palace gates open. Xiumin, as the first son, and crown prince leads the procession out. Suho follows with Chen by his side. Kai is the last of the brothers, while the litter containing their father and mother taking up the rear. Behind the litter, the rest of the parade trails.

    When they reach the first half of the city, men, women, and children alike cheer. Flower petals and rice are thrown around to celebrate their arrival. He sees Kai smiling at the common folk, making several women swoon. He rolls his eyes with a grin. It was a well known rumor that Kai is the most handsome of all three of the princes; it is the peoples first time seeing him in public and confirming that rumor. Everyone, especially the women, it seems, are excited about it and are desperate to gain his attention. 

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