Chapter 5

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Suho stands with his father and the King of Foeteli as the castle open to welcome Princess Calinda. She is riding in a carriage pulled by two zebras. Suho had never seen the exotic creatures before so he can't help but be a bit awed. He remembers his duty though and goes to help her down from the carriage. A slender hand shows that she has the ebony skin of her father. However, the skin of her hand is all he can see. He has no idea what her face looks like as a beautiful pink veil sat situated starting at the back of her head and circling around her entire head.
    “Greetings, Princess Calinda of Foeteli,” he bows to her. She curtsies deeply.
    “Greetings, Royal Prince Suho of Kana,” she responds with a light accent, remaining in the curtsey for an extra beat before rising. Suho leads her to her father, who kisses her on both sides of the veil.
“My daughter, may Alithna bless you and Prince Suho in your union.”
    Alithna is the Fotelian goddess of marriage. Suho thinks that she and the Kanaian god, Lanmei, are the same people since their legends line up almost exactly. But Suho will never say that aloud. He doesn't pray to them about blessing his and Calinda’s union either. The gods had set the soulmates they intended before the soulmates had even been born. If he and Calinda were going to be blessed, they would have to be predestined.
Clearly, the kings don’t think that way because they congratulate each other on a successful union and go to drink together. Suho glances at Calinda.
“Can you fetch Sehun?” he asks a servant boy who happens to be passing by. He nods and scurries off. He turns to look at Calinda. “Your dress is lovely,” he compliments. The material of it was clearly expensive and the color matched with her inky skin.
“Thank you, Prince Suho.”
“Your skin is lovely as well.”
“As is yours, Prince Suho. Only snow is paler.”
The way she said it made the comment seem like more of an insult than a compliment. But Suho says nothing of it. Sehun arrives a few seconds later.
“Take her to my harem chambers and help her settle in. Introduce her to Mieko and Yerim.”
“Yes, your highness,” Sehun bows and goes to lead Calinda away.
“Who is Mieko and Yerim, Prince Suho?” Calinda inquires.
“Yerim is my younger sister.”
“And Mieko?”
“My concubine.”
Calinda doesn't ask any more questions as Sehun leads her away.
“Is she nice?” Xiumin asks a few hours later, sipping from his teacup. They haven't met like this in a while but Xiumin insisted on clearing his schedule to boost Suho’s morale. Suho couldn't explain why but he felt strangely sad recently. It is odd.
“I haven’t spoken to her enough to establish that clearly.”
Xiumin picks up a small pastry and takes a bite of it, deep in thought.
“I can’t believe you’re the first to wed,” Xiumin muses. “I’ve been betrothed the longest.”
“When is Hallriin going to arrive?” Suho inquires. Xiumin sighs.
“I don’t know. The complications with her monthly blood were caused by pregnancy; her last letter to me was pleading with me to free her from our betrothal,” Xiumin explains, shaking his head. Suho’s eyes are wide in shock.
“She’s pregnant?”
“She has a baby girl now.” Xiumin sighs and shakes his head. “I would claim the child as my own, but it has been far longer than nine months since I last saw her. Father would know immediately that I was lying.” Xiumin rubs the back of his neck. “I want to free her from the betrothal, Suho. I do. But you know how Father can get. After he heard the reasoning, he would demand that she be killed for breaking the betrothal contract.”
“It’s so hypocritical,” Suho grumbles. “A woman in a betrothal can’t be touched until her wedding day, but a man is allowed, even encouraged, to have sex.”
“I know,” Xiumin bites his lip and shakes his head. “I’m going to do everything I can to protect her. But I don’t know if, in the end, I will be able to.”
“I will think about it and try to find an out for you before Father finds out,” Suho assures, linking his pinky with his older brother’s. Xiumin smiles and shakes it.
“How is Mieko?” Xiumin asks. Suho shrugs.
“As well as she can be, I suppose. She has been sick recently, so she’s lost a fair amount of weight.”
“Does she need…” Xiumin doesn’t finish the sentence. Both of the princes knew that if Mieko needed a doctor, she would have no one. She is the closest person to a doctor in the entire harem.
“It appeared to just be an issue of anxiety as opposed to a physical ailment,” Suho answers.
“Both can be deadly,” Xiumin muses. “Make sure she takes care of herself. She doesn't deserve to be in pain.”
“No, she doesn't,” Suho agrees. Mieko is the purest soul Suho has ever met.
Xiumin and he discuss other things as they finish their tea. When the night falls, Suho decides to abstain from calling for Mieko. As much as he wanted to, it would leave a bad impression on the princess and her father. He does request that she send the herbs for a relaxing tea though. Sehun comes back with a note from her along with the tea.
Princess Calinda is very beautiful.
Suho smiles. It seems that the two were getting along. That’s one worry out of the way.
Suho welcomes the tailor when he arrives and stands cooperatively still while the man takes his measurements. His body hasn't changed nearly at all since the last time he was fitted, but it still needed to be done. Kai comes in to talk while the fitting is going on but leaves soon after (the brat couldn't focus more than a few minutes when he was sitting still). Chen also shows up to congratulate Suho but he leaves moments before their father arrives. Suho and the tailor bow low before the emperor.
“Get up,” the ruler grunts, making himself comfortable. Suho rises and allows the tailor to finish.
“Xiumin told me that Prince Genisim accepted Yerim?” his father questions.
“Yes, Father. Chen received the letter then gave it to Xiumin to present to you.” The emperor hums.
“Very well. I'll keep my end of the bargain. But Chen is going to be the one to reject the Prince of Andival.” Suho chokes on his own spit.
“Father, I don't think that's a wise decision,” he reels. “Chen--”
“Is a prince and is expected to fulfill the duties of one. Don't think I haven't noticed how he and Kai have been negligent in their studies and duties. Chen will tell the prince that his offer has been rejected.”
“Father,” Suho tries again. “Chen lacks tact of any kind. The prince is known for his notorious temper. I fear that Chen will say the wrong thing by mistake.”
“If he does he will be thoroughly whipped,” the emperor brushes off.
“But Father, you said it yourself; he's been slacking a bit. To punish him by forcing him to negotiate, then punishing him for messing up negotiations--”
“This way he will learn to not be so sloven.”
“Please, Father. Give him a chance--”
“He has had his chance.”
Suho watches in despair as the emperor stands to leave. He calls for Sehun to bring Chen to him, only to have Sehun sigh and shake his head.
    “His Imperial Majesty already told me not to do that, your highness. I apologize.”
    Suho growls and hits the wall out frustration. Sehun flinches, prompting Suho to apologize. Sehun shakes his head.
    “I know you would never beat me without cause,” Sehun affirms softly. But some people in the palace would goes unsaid.
“Father is just looking for a reason to humiliate Chen,” Suho grunts. “Chen tends to neglect his duties because Xiumin is going to be king and if something happens then I’m going to be king. Third children don’t get crowns. It hasn’t happened in our entire history. And he knows it.”
“For his sake, I hope he is able to deny the prince peacefully,” Sehun mutters so softly that Suho doesn't think he was supposed to hear the comment.
I do too.
The wedding the next day is everything Suho expected it to be; loud, crowded, and exhausting. But before his country's traditional wedding can take place, he waits in the private wedding chambers for hours for Princess Calinda to show up. She comes in a flurry of soft satin. Today, she was wearing a rich red dress that had the smallest crystals that Suho had ever seen sewn into the neckline. The crystals also adorned the veil that covered her face.
“Tradition states that before the rest of the world can see my face, my husband must remove my veil,” she whispers, leaning forward. Suho swallows and allows her to show him how to remove the veil. It flutters to the ground.
Princess Calinda is extremely beautiful. Her round face is accented by strong cheekbones and her skin is the color of freshly brewed coffee. Her long lashes frame her rich brown eyes that looked on him with curiosity.
Suho could tell right away that she is the kind of woman that many men lusted after. But he didn't feel anything. Without saying a word, he helps her up and they go to complete the official ceremony. When the High Priest pronounces them husband and wife, he presses his lips to hers quickly. A look of expectancy and disappointment crosses her face. But she doesn’t say anything as they are swept into the wedding activities immediately. Or, he is anyway. She is taken back to the harem to prepare for the night to come. He finds that dread is in the pit of his stomach, but he can't figure out why.
Night falls swiftly and he retires to his room. Calinda comes in a few moments later. He sighs when she arrives. This is really going to happen.
“Prince Suho,” she strides over to where he was sitting on the bed. “Allow me to serve you tonight.”
Suho allows her to touch him. He allows her to take the lead. But even when his body responds, his chest hurts. He sends her away as soon as she finishes, calling for a bath to be drawn. No matter how much the attendants scrub at his skin, he doesn't feel clean. But he does his best to push that feeling aside as he climbs into his bed.
Sehun wakes him up the next morning stating how his father wanted to see him. So he readies himself both physically and mentally to greet the emperor. His father greets him in his public chambers. Lucas is there as well, curled in his father's lap. The poor boy is a mess; Suho hopes that his father sends him away before they start talking. Sure enough, the emperor does all Lucas to leave, but not before whispering something in Lucas’s ear that makes the slave's eyes go wide with fear.
“I've never seen a concubine hold your favor so long, Father,” Suho tries to start the conversation.
“I've too many experiments that I want to try with him to let him go so soon,” his father laughs. Suho does his best to not look uncomfortable. He decides to cut straight to the point.
“What is it that you need of me, Father?”
“I wanted to make sure that you knew that you needed to bid farewell to the Foetelin king,” his father states nonchalantly. His face becomes hard, “I also wanted to make sure you didn't slack in your duties last night.”
Why is he so obsessed with duties lately?
“Of course I did, Father,” Suho answers slowly.
“Good,” the emperor leans back in his chair. “Somebody told me that you sent Calinda back early on in the night.”
“I didn't feel that she had to stay.”
“Your concubine always does.”
Suho gulps as he searches his father's face for anything sinister. When he finds nothing but idle curiosity, he shrugs.
“Mieko doesn't just warm my bed. She also bathes me, sings, tells stories, gives massages. She's good at everything and after a long day of dealing with people, I like having just one person doing everything rather than a whole team. By I'm finished with her, it's simply too late to send her back to the harem so I let her sleep on the floor. If I need her again, she's right there.”
“I see,” the emperor muses. “Lucas is the same. But Lucas is never allowed to stay in my chambers longer than I use him for. He gets spoiled that way.”
His father didn't say it directly but Suho hears the message all the same.
Don't spoil your slave or else.
“I understand, Father,” Suho affirms quickly. “Shall I go prepare for the king’s departure?”
“Yes, go.”
He leaves his father's public chambers. The king of Forteli left later than expected because he insisted on seeing his daughter before he left. Princess Calinda cries as she bids her father farewell. She tucks herself into Suho's side as they watch the King leaves with his procession. Suho removes himself from her embrace and awkwardly pats her on the shoulder to soothe her. Her eyes gleam as she looks up to meet his eyes.
“Ask Mieko to make you tea when you get back to the harem, okay? It'll make you feel better,” he assures. Something flashes across the princess’ face but it's gone too quickly to be able to tell what it is.
Suho goes back to his chambers to work.
“Your Highness,” Sehun calls softly, shaking Suho's shoulder. Suho jerks awake. He had fallen asleep at his desk. He stretches his back with a small groan. It hurt.
“I thought you would want to know that the Andivalian prince is expected to arrive sometime tonight.”
“Chen can do this,” Suho sighs and sits back in his chair. “Let me know the minute Chen is called in to speak with the prince.”
When Sehun comes back much later, he is panting and covered in sweat.
“I came as soon as I could,” the eunuch pants. “Your father ordered me to serve Prince Chen and Prince Josua. Prince Chen offended him; he was fine up until he mentioned that all of the people he wrote to marry Yerim.”
“Where is Chen right now?”
“Crown Prince Josua demanded that Chen be punished and his Imperial Majesty had Chen dragged to the courtyard to be whipped.”
“Dammit!” Suho swears and takes off. He can hear his brother's cries of pain as he reaches the courtyard. Chen is stripped to his waist and his father's head guard is delivering the lashes to his brother's bare back. Prince Josua and his father were watching, along with several women from the harem who must've heard the commotion. Suho could already see many wounds on his brother's back. He runs over to his father and bows hastily to both him and Prince Josua
“Father, he's had enough,” Suho pleads, then turns to the Prince of Andival. “Your Highness, I understand my brother offended you but he is still an ignorant child. Please, allow his punishment to end here.”
“He was sentenced to 30 lashes,” the emperor states. “All the lashes will be delivered.”
“Rightly so,” Prince Josua adds, his voice bored. Suho notices a glass of wine in his hand and his temper flares. He barely manages to get it under control before he knocks the glass out of the foreign prince's hand.
His father just wants to beat Chen and the Andivalian prince wants to see someone punished. Suho knows this.
“I'll take the rest of his lashes,” Suho says without thinking twice. “Chen has learned his lesson but if the rest of the lashes must be delivered as compensation, I'll take the rest.”
His father considers this then turns to the foreign prince. The snake is smirking.
“Very well.”
His father orders that Chen’s whipping stop and Chen is taken back to his room. Suho allows himself to be led to where a makeshift whipping post had been erected. While his father announces that he would take the rest of Chen’s punishment, Suho strips his shirt off and throws it to the ground. He glances around a bit as he drops to his knees so that the head guard can bind his hands. Mieko is nowhere to be found. Neither is Calinda. Yerim and Lucas are standing together just to Suho's left. Yerim looks like she was crying while Lucas looks a bit horrified. He sends Yerim a small smile to let her know that he was okay before bracing himself.
It's been a while since he's been punished like this, but that doesn't mean he doesn't remember the pain of it. The sting of the whip hurts just as much as he remembers but he doesn't allow a sound to escape his lips. The foreign prince was getting off on the fact that the emperor was punishing his own sons rather severely. He wouldn't give him the pleasure.
He takes nine of the lashes meant for Chen. Each one elicits a small flinch but he doesn't allow any more than that. His back is burning and he can only imagine how Chen feels. He had taken 20. On the last one, the head guard shifted the whip a bit in his hands which causes the crack of the whip to slice into Suho’s back. He hisses on that one, jerking away from the impact point. But then it's over. The head guard releases Suho from the bindings and hands him his shirt with a whisper of an apology. Suho nods to him, then turns to bow to his father and the Prince of Andival. His back screams at the movement but he maintains his regality as he walks back to his room.
“Prince Suho,” Sehun exclaims when he enters the hall. “Should I fetch the doctor?”
“Chen needs treatment more than I do,” Suho grunts. “Tell the doctor to go to him.”
Sehun frowns but obeys. After a few minutes of walking, Suho arrives back at his room, where he immediately strips off his shirt. His back feels a bit better now that there is nothing pressing against it. He lays down on his stomach and tries to sleep.
“Oh, Suho!” a shrill voice cuts into his drowsy mind and he groans. He's barely sat up when someone throws themselves across him.
“Princess,” he grunts, pulling her away. Her eyes are wide and wet with tears.
“I was so worried when I heard that you had volunteered to take the rest of Prince Chen’s whipping. I couldn't understand why you would do such a stupid thing. I couldn't bear to watch it so I begged Eunuch Sehun to let me out to come to see you when it was over. He refused me! So I sent another, Eunuch Hanmai, to ask the emperor if I could visit you. And the emperor said yes so here I am!” She turns him so that his back faced her while he is still processing what she said. A yelp escapes his lips when she presses a finger into one of the marks.
“Oh, I'm sorry, Suho. I'm sure they must hurt terribly.”
“Don't address me without my title, Princess Calinda,” he grunts. “Only my brothers and father have that right.”
“But, I'm your wife,” her voice is trembling and he can sense the tears coming so he relents.
“Only in my chambers,” he grouches. “For now, I'd like to be alone.”
    Princess Calinda pouts but gets up and allows herself to be led out while Sehun comes in.
    “Mieko wants to know if she should come to treat your back since the doctor is busy.”
    Suho thinks about it for a few moments before nodding. Seeing Mieko always makes him happier and she understood the value of silence. That, and if she can make the ache in his back lessen, makes her very welcome.
    Xiumin arrives before she does and he gets an earful.
    “Seriously, Suho! What were you thinking? Now Prince Josua not only has a vendetta against Chen but also against you! It was nine lashes, Chen could have handles nine more lashes. Why would you create such a scene?”
    The scolding continues until Mieko arrives. He and Xiumin stare at her for a few minutes while she silently gets the materials she needs out of a basket. When it becomes apparent that she isn't planning on speaking, Xiumin goes back to scolding Suho.
    “I don't understand why you, the smartest of all us brothers, could be so stupid!” Xiumin fumes. “Why? Why did you do it?”
    “Mieko,” Suho calls without answering the question. She had settled behind him on the bed and is just reaching out to start cleaning the wounds.
    “Yes, my prince?” she wonders.
    “Why did I take the lashes for Chen? Do you know?”
    The room is silent for a few moments before she nods.
    “He's your brother. You didn't want to see him in any more pain, even if that meant you would have to take the pain yourself.”
    “Exactly,” he assures before turning back to Xiumin. “Chen didn't deserve the beating to begin with, Xiumin. At least, not that severe of a beating. You know that. That's why I took his lashes. He had already learned his lesson, but the lesson didn't require 30 lashes. I would say it barely required a whipping at all. I didn't want him to have to endure any more than he needed to. If I had arrived sooner, I would have taken all the lashes for him. Just like I would for you or Kai. Just like how I hope you would for me.”
    Xiumin is silent then, pondering Suho's words before he leaves without so much as a farewell. Mieko finally starts cleaning his back. It stung and pained hisses escape his mouth.
    “I'm sorry, my prince. I have to clean them before I can put the medicine on.”
    “I know, Mieko,” he grunts as she cleans the one open wound. “How is everything?”
    “Fine,” Meiko replies. “Princess Calinda came back last night ranting about how good you were in bed and gave all the vulgar details.” Suho cringes.
    “Anything besides that?” he hedges, showing his clear distaste for that conversation.
    “My herbs have started growing in the greenhouse. The kitchen has started to use them in the cooking.”
    “That explains the extra flavor in the meals,” Suho teases, them becomes somber. “Have you been eating well?”
    “I've been trying. When Princess Calinda arrived, my stomach didn't hold. But I started eating with just Yerim and Lucas and I was able to hold more. So I've been eating with them.”
    “Good,” he mutters. “Are you hungry now?”
    “A bit, because I just woke up when Princess Calinda started screaming at Sehun to let her leave the harem.”
    “You were asleep?”
    “Yes. I was up late last night cultivating a Night Blossom plant. It's too small to use right now, but when it starts bearing flowers then the nectar can be used for an antidote to many different poisons. I thought that it might be useful for the palace.”
    “It will probably end up being useful at some point,” Suho agrees. “Xiumin was poisoned just last year. He nearly died because the antidote had to be imported from far outside the kingdom.”
    “That must've been horrifying,” she replies, going to the basket and pulling out a small jar and bandages. “I can't imagine what I would have done if that happened to Kase.”
    “Who's Kase?” She comes back over and climbs behind him. She starts smearing the contents of the jar over his back before answering.
    “My brother.”
    He sighs a bit when the cream starts to soothe the fire on his back.
    “I wish I could send you to see them.”
    “I understand why you can't,” Mieko admits. She winds the bandages around his back and chest until all of the wounds are covered.
    “All done,” she announces. He turns around to look at her and notices how her hands were also wrapped in bandages. He takes them and lifts them to his eyes.
    “What happened?” he wonders, looking at her. She doesn't say anything. She only pulls her hands away.
    “I tripped in the greenhouse last night and landed in the dead rose bushes,” she answers, not meeting his eyes. He didn't think that was the truth. But he doesn't push.
    “I think you need to go back to the harem now,” Suho mumbles.
    “I know.”
    “Stay until I fall asleep?”
    “If you wish it, my prince.”
    He lies down on his stomach again while she gently massages his scalp. He slowly drifts off to the soothing feeling.
    Meiko is still there when he comes to, only she was curled up on the floor with her back to the wall fast asleep. Suho blinks several times to make sure she is actually there before calling her name softly. She jerks awake and looks up at him.
    “You're awake,” she mumbles, getting up.
    “I thought you went back to the harem?”
    “Sehun told me to stay,” she mumbles.
    “Did he tell you why?”
    Mieko doesn’t answer for a few seconds. “No.”
    She is lying. But Suho doesn't mind. Let her keep her secrets, it just meant he got to see her. He goes to crack his back but grunts in pain when his back stretches. Mieko is up within a millisecond, helping him sit up and unwrapping his back. She hisses.
    “This one,” she lines the area around one of the last, “is oozing blood. The rest of them are shiny and look painful. They’ll probably ooze a bit as the new skin grows.”
    “Are any of them going to scar?” he wonders. He did have quite a few scars already, some from previous punishments, some from training. A few more wouldn’t hurt when they were healed.
    “I didn’t expect you to be so scarred,” Princess Calinda murmurs, licking the area around where he knew a scar was. She sighs. “I guess expecting a portrait perfect husband is unfair though.”
    He shakes the memory away. Maybe his scars did matter a bit.
“My prince, did you hear me?” He blushes as he asks her to repeat herself.
    “Only the one that might need stitches will probably scar. The rest of them won’t. The skin will heal.” She pauses. “If I stitch the one, it might not scar because the skin will grow together rather than grow in stacks to fill the gap. But I think that’s your choice. It doesn’t really need the stitches, but if you want to I can.”
    “Why not?” he cracks his neck. “I have too many scars. If I can prevent another one, I want to.”
    “Alright. I’ll ask Sehun to ask the doctor to lend me a needle and stitching thread.” She comes to sit in front of him and hesitantly meets his eyes. “My prince, there isn’t anything wrong with your scars. They’re a part of you, they’ve helped build who you are today. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of them.”
    He smiles at her and she gives him a small smile back. He calls for Sehun and tells him to fulfill Mieko’s request and also tells him to have the kitchen send food. The food arrives first, so he and Mieko eat. He breaks off a piece of bread and holds it to her lips. She tilts her head but accepts it nonetheless. He feeds her a few more bites.
    “I’m glad that you’re eating well,” he affirms. She blinks.
    “Thank you?” she seems a bit unsure. He starts to offer her a fruit but she reels away.
    “I can't eat saereng,” she informs, keeping away from the slightly spiked fruit. “I can't breathe properly for hours. If its juice even touches something I eat my throat hurts terribly.”
    “Saereng is the only fruit native to this region,” his eyes are wide. “Some part of it is used in practically every dish. How have you managed to avoid it?”
    “I mainly eat fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to many soups and meats. I don't usually have a taste for salty foods, which helps a lot in terms of avoiding foods cooked with saereng. I also ask the kitchen for something called ‘poor boy's’ bread, which is basically only flour, water, yeast, and dried honey. It's cheap and you can make a lot of it in one go. Plus, no saereng.”
    “You don't eat meat?”
    “Not often, no. Every once and awhile I'll crave it, but otherwise, I just don't like the taste.”
Suho can't help but gape at her in shock. No wonder she was so skinny! She lived off of the basic necessities!
    On the other hand, he remembered when he first saw her. She was definitely skinny, but not in a malnourished way like she was now. She had looked extremely healthy, now that he thought about it. Maybe there was some logic in her eating habits, but she probably needed something more to really get her back to health. He would have to look it up later.
    “Do you want to bathe?” she asks. He frowns. He feels a bit grimy, but he really didn't want to have to worry about his back.
    “I'll wipe myself down with a cloth later,” he concludes aloud. “You can stitch the open mark and clean my back again before you go rather than coming back later if you want.”
    “My prince, the doctor is here to look at your back!” Sehun calls. Suho cringes a bit before apologizing to Meiko. She smiles at him and shakes his head.
    “He'll probably do a better job than me, anyway.”
    Suho raises a brow at this. It isn't like Mieko to sell herself so short. She has always been humble but she's never so completely downgraded herself. Suho wants to ask her about it but he knows she wouldn't give a straight answer. So he tells Sehun to take her back to her room.
    The doctor decides that stitching the open wound would be a waste of time and materials since the wound was only just deep enough to scar. Suho keeps his mouth shut in spite of the annoyance that starts buzzing within him. This doctor has a reputation of dismissing medical advice from anyone who offered it; no matter how skilled they were, he would always treat his patients his way. Suho nearly scolds the man when he insists on removing all of the healing balms Mieko had applied in favor of putting his own on. It stung like hell, and briefly Suho wonders if his father had put the doctor up to it. He waves the thought away quickly. He's already in a bad mood, he doesn't need to make himself even angrier.
    Sehun comes back a few hours later and informs him that the emperor was requesting his presence at a formal dinner with the Prince of Andival. Suho glares at the eunuch for a few moments before sighing in defeat and allowing the servant to dress him.
    Xiumin and Kai are there when Suho arrives, both of them careful to keep their faces as blank as possible. Their father and Prince Josua are laughing boisterously, waving their glasses around aimlessly. Suho could smell alcohol. Prince Josua notices Suho first and waves him over drunkenly. Suho bows to both him and his father before coming to sit in his place.
    “How's your back, Suho?” Prince Josua chortles. Suho bristles at the lack of title.
    “It is fine.”
    “You're the second son, right!” Suho nods slowly. “If you were my brother, I would've had you executed my now!”
    Suho reels and glances at Xiumin for help. Xiumin looked horrified as well while Kai looks downright frightened.
    “He's my brother,” Xiumin manages to protest, his voice somehow remaining strong in spite of his obvious uncertainty (at least, to Suho it is obvious. “Why would I kill him?”
    “He's second in line for the crown!” the foreign prince slams his hand on the table, causing Kai to jump. “What if he were to try and assassinate you?”
    “Your Highness, I can assure you that I have no desire to take the throne,” Suho states firmly. “Xiumin has been trained for that role while I have trained to become a diplomat. Even if I were to hate my brother, which I certainly do not, I love my country. I am not qualified to rule. They deserve someone who is.”
    Prince Josua is silent and Suho scans his words for anything that could be seen as insolent. But there is nothing he can find.
    “Is your father qualified?”
    “He's the emperor, is he not?” Suho replies smoothly. His father looks pleased with his answer and the topic is dropped. Soon, the two men were too drunk to even walk, so the brothers dismiss themselves. As they leave, Suho can hear the emperor tell Andivalian prince that he would call for his ‘prize whore’ Lucas if the prince was interested. Suho hurries away.
    “Is Chen okay?” Suho asks Xiumin, who sighs.
    “He will be. He's quite put off that he's going to probably scar badly and that Father allowed him to be beaten so badly.”
    “He's reaching the age,” Suho mutters and Xiumin agrees. Meanwhile, Kai is completely silent and stays close to Suho's side. The younger prince leaves after they arrive at Xiumin's room.
    “He is worried,” Xiumin informs bluntly. “He's getting close too. And he knows it.”
    “As long as he doesn't do anything to anger Father he'll be fine.”
    Xiumin nods in agreement before disappearing into his own room. Suho goes back to his and calls for a bath to be drawn and the doctor to be called. He falls asleep soon after his back is treated.

The Commoner (hiatus) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang