If I die, I'll bring you all with me (II)

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Amalia poked her daughter's forehead. "Dont you understand ? If we make a move in the detention center, she won't be the one who's going to die, we will. Wait until she's out of the country, then we'll have means to deal with her. "

David nodded. "Your mother's right. For the time being, let's get her out of the country. Once she's out of the country, no one cares about weather she lives or dies. We have hundreds ways to kill her and make sure neither the Gods nor the ghosts could ever find. "

Ammy turned and looked at Lina. "Auntie, how's your situation with Nichklaus? "

Lina came back to her senses and answered, "Its good. "

With the twitch of the lip, Ammy remarked," I think Auntie has the best temper among us all. If it was Alex who was seduced by that horrible woman, I would've definitely cried my heart out and I'd be unable to stop myself from killing her. "

David berated her. "Ammy, stop talking. "

"Hmph", Ammy grumbled and said nothing further.

The youngest son of the Williams family Dave, remained quiet throughout their conversation but he soon remarked lazily, "Are we done? I'm going back to my room if we are. "

Amalia patted her son's hair lovingly. "Alright, alright, you can go. Don't let it interfere with school tomorrow. "

Dave pushed his mother's hand away swiftly and stood up. He then went upstairs.


Lina felt fidgety when she got back to her room.

That slut, had information that could be used against her brother David!

Maine was like a fishbone stuck in Lina's throat. The mere thought of Maine's release was enough to fuel Lina's overwhelming hatred. There was nothing she could do to her but she would not sit around and do nothing about it.

She looked at the time and saw that it was not yet 11 o'clock.

She left the house. Since she was unable to stop Maine's release from jail, she wanted to do something, anything at all, as long as she could paint her in the lowest possible light to Nichklaus.

She went directly to Nichklaus place- the Jade Orchid Pavilion.

The Jade Orchid Pavilion was a clubhouse that Nichklaus commissioned according to his fancies. It was not a business venture but rather a place where he could have a good time and be at ease.

Lina reached the place and noticed the presence of Vigan City's richest young men. Yet, Nichklaus stood out most prominently amongst them all.

He was the most eye-catching person regardless of where he was. Compared to the rest of the people, he was like the sun or the moon amongst all those tiny little stars.

Everyone else was having fun with their female companions but Nichklaus was quiet. Two gorgeous ladies were massaging his legs but none dared to utter a single word.

She was mesmerized by him. He was such an exquisite man and she had to have him for herself, no matter what. That slut woman should never be allowed to dip her hands into the cookie jar ever again. She thougth to herself referring to Maine.

She walked over to him and sat down but he did not seem to have noticed her at all.

Deep in the recesses of her mind. Lina tried figuring out how she should open her mouth. She asked a few random questions and finally began pouring out all the blame. "Nick, you might not believe it but Maine threatened my big brother! She's the one who committed a crime and yet she wants to drag our family down with her. She'd go so far as to hurt her own father. A woman like her.... I've never seen anyone who could rival her evilness and ruthlessness.... She's a devil. She'll use you and your connection today and then backstab you tomorrow. Nick, you have to be careful with her..... "

PERVERTED : Her Shameless ' His Pleasure  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora