Chapter two: getting back to reality.

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The next day they ended up getting a phone call from sehun and kai letting them know they reached home and how the members bombarded them with questions also filling them in on other stuff with the group. Kris and tao laugh as they watch sehun explain and kai dreamily staring at him.

When they eventually bid good bye its due to supper and them feeling exhausted with a promise to call again tomorrow.

"They are glowing." Kris says with a chuckle and tao can't help but nod laughing slowing popping the lid of his beer sipping at it. The sound of his phone breaks the silence. Kris watches how he smiles at whatever message he received. Unable to hold his curiosity he asks and tao smiles at him.

"My manger says I got a role in the Chinese series I wanted. I'm excited I didn't think it will come through." Kris beams and nudges his leg.

"That's great I'm proud of you!"
He says and ruffles his hair. A small blush coats his cheeks as he coughs and looks away.

"Thanks. Plus zhoumi ge texted me. His coming to China soon and asked to meet." Tao beams and Kris feels that unsettling feeling in his stomach again at zhoumi name being mentioned.

He shifts slightly and walks to get water clenching his teeth. When he walks back he notices that Tao stopped texting and he shifts awkwardly on his feet. When did things become so awkward between them?

"Lets get dinner." Kris says with a cough and Tao beams nodding. He watches as Tao grabs his jacket and heads to the door with him following shortly behind.

They stop at some pasta joint and eat. Kris can't help but feel a different kind of familiarity with Tao and it stirs a warm feeling in his stomach that his just not sure how to feel.

"You okay?" Tao ask in concern and he nods. Tao smiles when the food gets delivered. The smell is amazing and the pasta taste even more amazing. His so gonna fucking miss this when he leaves.

"When do you leave?" Kris ask twirling his pasta stuffing his cheeks like chipmunks and it oddly reminds him of kai. He smiles fondly at the thought and cast Kris a teasing look.

"Want me gone already huh?"

He enjoys as the other chokes and gulps his water while he tries to hold is laughter. The ads deserves a bit of punishment.

"It's not like that oh my gosh!" Kris half yells red in the face ignoring the questioning stares from others and Tao actually Chuckles this time.

"I'm joking yifan. Day after tomorrow. Its an afternoon flight. Need to get back soon with all the work that's like up. Besides I only came for the two dumb maknaes." He says with a small smile and Kris sends one back at him but not really reaching his eyes. He feels a dull ache taking over and suddenly he's not very hungry.

To maintain his act he forces the food that now taste bland and focuses on asking questions about his new album and the role he got.

Kris doesn't fully note how much he loves the way the others eyes twinkle in delight as he talks.


Hi everyone! Please note that I just started college this week Thursday and it seems that we gonna be doing a shit ton of work over the next six months.. I ask everyone to please try and be patient with me as I update as well as write more chapters. I am trying.

Many thanks everyone! I wish everyone a happy 2021! Stay safe and healthy!

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