chapter three: parting

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The days went too fast for either of their liking. Kris stares at tao as he checks his bags in going over everything with the lady.

He looks around noticing all the couples together, a few families saying bye to their loved ones and a few people whos alone. He feels a dull ache in his chest at the thought of the younger leaving. They haven't even really worked through all their issues and the fact that tao is acting like nothing was ever wrong in the first place makes him even more annoyed. Hes been ignoring any messages from that girl due to tao being with him and didn't want any more miss understandings.

He jumps slightly when tao touches his arm showing him his ticket gesturing for them to get coffee. Walking side by side he glances around doing people watching. When they stand in line waiting to place their orders.
"What you getting tao?" He says looking at the younger who bites his lips drawing himself away from the menu of sweets. "Think I wanna get a hot chocolate." Kris nods watching as his eyes gazes back to the chocolate cake and smiles.

"Hey what can I get you?" The waiter ask chirppy even though he looks exhausted he silently feels bad for the other and hopes his shift ends soon.

"One hot chocolate and one espresso. Can I also get two silces of the chocolate cake , two chocolate chip muffins and two blueberry ones?" Tao looks at him with his eyebrows up making him laugh and ruffles his hair. He's sure that his mouth dropped even if his mask hides it.

They wait in silence watching the crowd. Kris looks over at the screen with order numbers and steps forward when he sees their order is almost done. He glances back checking on tao whos on his phone. When he feels something nudge his leg, he looks down and instantly melts. He bends down to ruffle the small boy hair.

"Hey there. What's your name?" He ask sweetly making the boys small chubby cheeks streach into a wide smile. "I'm kai!" The little boy shouts enthusiasticly grabbing his parents attention. They rush forward to get him. His father apologizes while he pouts when his moms scolds him. Yifan laughs it off and pinches his cheeks softly.

"I have a kai too. His like my baby so I can understand why mommy is like this. You seem like such a sweet boy." Yifan says pulling his mask down making the boy gasp as well as his parents. Tao watches silently and waves off their body guards. He chooses to ignore the flutter in his stomach and eyes the older suspiciously.

"Do you like stars?" Yifan asks him after he picks him up placing him on his hip after asking permission from his parents. "Woah your even more handsome up close!" Kai says in excitement with his tiny hands holding yifans cheeks. Kris blushes glancing at the parents who are beetred.

"That's very sweet my love. You are even more handsome up close too! You gonna have lots of girls! But you never answer my question, do you like stars?" Yifan says with a pout and the boy nods enthusiastically focusing on what Kris says.
Kris gives him a soft smile while  pushing his hair back.

"Well won't you feel sad if you suddenly don't see them?"kai looks at Kris in surprise, eyes watering at the thought never to see them again.

"Uh-huh iv pheel very swad" he says in a hiccup. Kris wipes a stray tear and gives him a big hug patting his back. "See that's how mommy feels when she can't see you. Your mommy's little star and she loves seeing you." Kai looks up at Kris in wonder and suspicion. "Really?"
Kris nods "really, I promise." He says.

When the boy wiggles  he let's him down and watches in amusement as he runs off to hug his mom and apologize. His father thanks him while his mom laughs at her son.

"Ah I got to go it was nice meeting everyone." Kris says when he notice his order is ready. When kai turns he whines and latches on to his leg making Kris laugh.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yip pal. Tell you what, here." He says taking his hat off adjusting it on kai head. "Woah you look so cool!" Kai giggles running of to show his dad. His mom thanks kris and he waves her off when she apologizes. He bids his fair well and grabbing tao and his order walking back to tao whos arms are folded with a blank look resting on his face.

"The kid was cute. " is all tao says pulling kris mask back up before swipping his hot chocolate moaning in delight making kris choke on his Silvia with a heat creeping into his cheeks. Tao shoots him an odd look, he dismisses it taking the bag of sweets putting it on the table gently.  Kris smacks his hand when he reaches for the cake making tao pout in annoyance when kris hands him a muffin instead while munching on his own.

"Don't give me that look you know what happens when you have too much sugar." Kris says sternly making tao roll his eyes eating the muffin.

By the time they done they walk to tao get tao his his correct gate to depart. Kris feels annoyed when he realizes he won't be able to go further pass security. He hands tao the bag of snacks watching his smaller hands grab the top next to his before letting go. He places his hands in his pockets staring at tao.

"How much do I owe you?" Tao is the first to break the silence making kris shake his head. "Nothing my treat. You gonna be okay?" Tao nods looking down feeling relanctant to go. He starlets when kris pulls him in for a hug. "You know the usual.  Text me when you can and let me know when you arrive." Tao nods as much as he can.

"I'll see you panda." Kris squeezes him a little tighter, he makes sure no ones watching when he jerks him back roughly kissing pulling their mask down kissing him sweetly on the lips.

Tao doesn't even get to wonder what the hell happened because the exact moment Kris pulls back his flight is called for boarding with his guards calling him

He waves to yifan a last time before leaving. Kris watches him leave his view before he leaves wondering what the hell he just did in public. He hits hid forehead at how careless he was.

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