Chapter 23- Vivian Halls

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Warning ⚠️: This is a pretty dark chapter (and the next one will probably be darker). If you're triggered easily I'd advise you not to read this chapter. :) 🖤 stay safe.

Colby's POV:

I hopped into my car and started to back out when a car with its headlights on drove by, causing something laying in the parking lot to shine in my eye. I grunted at the sudden beam of blinding light and stopped the car. I got out to see what it was. My eyes scanned the general direction from which the glare came from. Then I noticed, sitting right there on the cracked pavement of that IHOP parking lot, was Anna's phone. I couldn't believe it. I quickly dropped to the ground where it was and picked it up. Maybe there's a clue about where she is on here? God, I hope so..

I unlocked her phone with ease, considering I had added my fingerprint when her and I started dating. I choked up a little when I saw her home screen was a picture of the two of us.

(The picture:)

I shook away my thoughts and continued to try to look for something

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I shook away my thoughts and continued to try to look for something. Anything.  I'd searched her contacts, messages, calls, snapchats,... everything I could possibly think of until I had an idea. I quickly went to her Instagram and searched for Alex Winfield.

Yes! She followed him! He must have given it to her at the coffee house a while back. Oof. Let's not think of that. I clicked on his profile and looked through his posts. Nothing of any special place he'd go. I went to his tagged pictures and scrolled down a little until something caught my eye.

(The post:)

I looked at the profile picture of who posted it

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I looked at the profile picture of who posted it. The girl with purple hair from the party! This was all starting to make sense! Luckily, there was a location on the post.

Finally. I was going to find Anna.

Anna's POV:

I struggled to get out of the chair, screaming and crying. "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! DON'T HURT HIM!" My throat was sore from screaming and my head hurt from all the crying. I felt completely and utterly hopeless. Alex snickered at me. He came over and grabbed me by the throat. "Keep screaming, and I'll do more than just hurt Colby." He let go and turned around. I felt range like I'd never felt before. I spit at his shoes and before I knew it he turned around and looked at me with daggers. I froze from fear as he pulled his arm back and slapped me across the face. The left side of my face was on fire but it didn't compare to the pain that I felt in my heart, knowing that I was going to see Colby get hurt and possibly killed before me. That reality hit me like a ton of bricks and I broke down in tears, barely able to breathe.

Alex must have known Colby was going to be coming soon, because he silenced me by tying a bandana around my head so that it was covering my mouth. All you could hear was the swaying trees, the creeks of the floor boards as Alex paced back and forth, and my  muffled cries. That's when I heard another sound. Quiet at first, but growing louder and louder. It hit me what it was. A car, driving up the dirt road. Colby.

I tried to scream but they were barely audible due to the bandana and the fact that I was starting to lose my voice. Alex stopped pacing and pushed his body against the wall, next to the doorway, holding the knife in his hand.

I heard the car door shut.
The time had come.

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