Chapter 27- Front Desk

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Anna's POV:

My body flinched, waking me up. I remembered my nightmare that I had.. but looking around and realizing that I was in a hospital, I realized it wasn't a nightmare at all. This was my reality. I must have fallen asleep in the hospital chair. I noticed that someone had given me a blanket because there was one draped over my legs.

My mind immediately went to Colby. I stood up, looking around for a sign that would take me to the front desk. Once I saw one I ran down the hallway. The lady sitting at the desk looked at me, worried. "Can I help you, ma'am?" the lady said, raising an eyebrow. "Hi! Yes. I was just wondering if you had any information on Colby Brock?" Suddenly I remembered what the doctor had said about disclosing information. "I- I'm his cousin." Sweet home Alabama..

She gave me a quizzical look, obviously catching onto my bullshit. However, I don't know if it was because she saw my bruises and felt bad for me or saw the absolute desperation in my eyes or maybe it was just a miracle, but she sighed and said "Let me see what I can find." A wave of relief came over me as she started to type "Colby Brock" into the computer.

My heart was pounding with anticipation as I saw her scroll through his file.

"He just got out of surgery. He's in critical condition so they're having him stay overnight, maybe longer." My eyes welled up with tears. "I-is he going to be okay?" I say, my voice cracking. She looked at me with an "I'm sorry" look and said, "Right now it's too soon to tell.. but I'll update you with any information I get. If you're going home I can take your number or.."

"No. I'm staying here. Thank you so much." I stepped away from the counter and walked over to a chair and sat down. My whole world felt like it was spinning. I didn't know what to do next. I couldn't just wait here. I looked towards the lady at the desk. "Ma'am? Is there any way I can go see him?" She gave me a sad look and I already knew the answer. "I'm sorry but they usually don't let people disturb patients who are in this condition and probably resting.." I nodded my head and slumped down into the chair.

I guess all I could do now was wait.


It had been about an hour and a half when I saw a couple of cops come up to the lady at the front desk. I heard them say my name and the lady just shrugged her shoulders. They must be the cops that I'm supposed to talk to about what happened. I stood up from my chair and walked towards them. "Uh.. hi. I'm Anna." Their eyes brightened as if to say "finally". "Hello, Miss Thompson. We're here to talk to you about..", he hesitated, "the situation." The poor lady at the front desk looked confused and slightly concerned, probably wondering who the hell she gave information to.

At least talking to the cops will kill time, and it'll be more productive than me just sitting here. "O-okay" I said shyly. I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk about that night. I don't think I even realized exactly how much it had affected me.

The officers took me to what looked like a conference room that was in the hospital. We sat down at the long table, I sat at the end while they sat at the seats on either side of me.

First, they asked me to tell them what I remembered in as much detail as possible. I told them about the note my nervous hands had managed to scribble onto the iHOP booth. I told them about Alex's red beaten up 2000 Honda Civic that smelled like cough drops and cigarettes. I told them about how fast my heart was beating when I first saw the cabin at the end of the long gravel road. I told them about how cold the wooden chair that Alex made me sit down in was. I told them about how much it had hurt when Alex finally got the rope around my wrists tight enough. I told them about how my face burned when Alex had slapped me across the face. I told them how much I had wanted Colby, but I told them how my heart broke when I heard his car tires drive up to the cabin. Suddenly, I stopped.

The officers looked at each other, and then the officer to my left leaned over to me and said softly "Please go on."

I felt my eyes begin to tear up. My hands started shaking. My heart started to pound. My throat went dry. "That's when it happened." That same officer at my left gave me a kind look and said, "Can you tell us what happened exactly?"

A tear rolled down my face. "He just wanted to save me. He didn't see him.." more tears came. "He didn't see who? Alex?" The officer to my right asked.

Hearing his name made me flinch. I nodded my head. "Can you give us a bit more detail.." the officer to my right said hesitantly, as if I was a ticking time bomb that he didn't want to explode.

"He was hiding behind the door. C-Colby didn't see him.. because he was looking at m-me. And then he.. he.." and that's all I could muster before I broke down in tears, crying hysterically. My whole body was shaking. Soon the officers got me a glass of water and a snack from a vending machine near by. Then they thanked me for my time and left me in the waiting room next to the front desk.

Alone with my thoughts again.

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