Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) #1

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Your POV

London's weather was terrible in your opinion. It was always cold, but there were some pros to it being cold. Like drinking hot chocolate and hot tea, even though you would drink hot chocolate and tea anytime with any weather. It's also a good excuse to cuddle with people. Sitting in front of a warm fire cuddling with your loved one sounded great. Thinking of this made you want to text Dan.

(Italics = You Bold = Dan)



"What are you up to?"

"Nothing. As usual."

"Lol. Can I come over?"

"Sure. I could use the company since Phil left to do something."

"Ok. I'll be over in 15 minutes."

"Ok. Can't wait!"

You got dressed in something more appropriate for the cold weather outside. You got ready in a record breaking five minutes. You grabbed your phone and your bag before leaving your house.

"Bye Lacey!" You yelled to your roommate.

"Where are you going?" She questioned being the nosy person she is.


"Out where?" She questioned further.

"To Dan's place."

"Of course you are. Where else would you go?"

"I go other places." You knew that wasn't true. The only place you ever went beside your house was Dan's and the grocery store.

"Lies. All lies." She loved to joke with you about how you never left the house to go anywhere "important." To you, Dan's apartment was important.

"Whatever. Bye!"

"Bye!" You turned the key in your car and the engine roared to life. You were always excited to go over to his house for some odd reason.

(A/N I wasn't finished but some idiots published it but I'll finish it soon)

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