Chapter 7

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Tonight was the senior bonfire as they call it, it was a tradition done by seniors every year for the past 20 years. When every senior gathered in celebrating the beginning of their senior year and the beginning of your adult life. It says to be one of the best party's of the year and it didn't matter what your social status was, every senior was expected to be going which means that the party was probably already packed inside and out with students. Being that this year's party is held at a private beach house selected by one of the chosen seniors, to host for the new graduating class.

Sage picked me up excited as ever to be going. in a mass text, we got the location and drove the rest of the way together to the party meeting up with Payton who was already patiently waiting for us to arrive. I made sure to wear my bikini under my shorts and blacktop.

Nights in Florida were hot and humid, tieing my sleek blonde hair up into a bun me and Sage exited the car which was parked on the side of the road. looking out at the area around of many cars were park signaling that many people have already arrived while some are arriving now. Students all getting out of their cars hooting and hollering while holding up their big cases a beer while going straight to the beach, I could see that the music was being played on the deck of the beach house while light flashed from inside.

Arriving around 10:45 pm to meet up with Payton, Sage scurries off running to her while she was waiting by the edge of her boyfriend's car " Oh god we're late!" Sage yelled hooking arms with Payton who just looked up from her phone

Payton rolled her eyes now hooking her arm on me "Were not late. It's a high school party, where people are gonna be making out and skinny dipping there is no time for when and when not to be there" she said starting to walk

"I guess so"

As we pass through many cars I could already hear the loud music and the voices from the party goers as we made our way passed the parked cars. I could feel the sand from the beach getting into my sandals every step we took towards the party

"Matt's already there so I think we should go meet up with him and the rest of the football guy's" Payton says wiggling her eyebrows at us, I laughed "Okay"

Payton bumps her hips next to mine "You know Richerson has a little crush on you right?"

I laughed again "which one?" referring to the Richerson twins.

"Dylan dummy, plus his brother's gay and it's not like your getting any farther with-"

Sage stopped abruptly standing were she was, tugging back Payton who tugged me making me and Payton both stop to look her "Wait? Gavin's gay?" she said gapping at us

Payton laughed putting her hands on her hips "Duh, everyone knows that" she said as she continues to walk ahead of us.

Sage looked at me "How come I'm always the last to know anything!" Sage said running up ahead and attaching her arms back to us. me doing the same as we continue our way to the party


Me, Alec, and Trevor have been waiting in my car for about 10 minutes, my head looking up at the night sky. My cigarette was almost gone as it wastes away in my hand. it calms the nerves. Alec banged his head on the back of the seat of my car. " What the hell are we waiting for Trevor?" Trevor popped himself up on the top of the back of my red car since I had the top to my car down.

"Them." Three very familiar girls walked passed are car while Trevor stuck both of his fingers in his mouth giving them a catcall.

"Well helloooo ladies"

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