Chapter 8

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A couple of weeks went by fast and focusing on school was my first priority. It didn't help either that I was easily distracted by a 6 foot 2, criminal walking around the halls of my high school. Luckily for us, we didn't see each other much being as though we're neighbors and all. he stayed clear of me and I did the same as of course I saw him in the halls and walking with his friends or seeing him in class. we both stayed out of each other's ways

I remembered that other night, it was 3 am and I was disturbingly woken up by music that was being blasted from across the yard. I got up turning that night wondering who the hell was playing music at 3 am on a Tuesday night.

I figured out where the music was coming from and it clearly came from his room. I got up that night, out of my bed and opened the window of my bedroom. It faced the neighbor's house only a few yards away. My window didn't directly face Daxtons window but it was big enough that I could see inside if I turned my head and angled my body out the window. but I wasn't gonna do that, obviously, that's weird if he saw me staring with my body half out my window.

His light was on that night, shining out through the dark sky. I could tell the window was open seeing I could hear the music loud and clear from my bedroom. I wanted to yell out and tell him to turn it down seeing that people were sleeping and didn't wanna listen to his dumb music. like what could you be doing at 3 am on a school night that's so important

I stuck my head out the window, I could feel the Florida breeze out on my skin, making me chilly I wrapped my arms around my body since I was only wearing only a tank top and some boy boxers. I looked outside seeing the inside of his room, the walls were dark blue and I could see the end of his bed which lays a dark grey comforter. a couch and a tv lay next to one of the sides of the walls. As much as I could see the room was clean and tidy, it seemed as though the room was empty with only the loud music blaring through the speakers

I tilted my body out a little more getting a better view, I squinted my eyes finally being able to see the floor "Holy shit"

my eyes opened wide, I could now see he was doing push-ups. His arms brought himself up and down while the muscles on his back shifted, he didn't have a shirt on. He was only wearing a pair of black sweats. I could see the sweat dripping off of his back as he continued doing sets of pushups his tattooed arms had designs I couldn't quite see, while his face was hidden from my view of sight as he worked out

I didn't know how long I was staring outside my window at the boy next door. But when he came up from off the ground and turned around, I swiftly ducked back inside throwing myself to the side of my wall "fuck"

I looked up at my ceiling, sighing as I hoped he didn't see anything. The music that he had played stopped quickly after, it felt like I stood at the wall for 30 minutes until I knew that he had gone to bed and that the light from his room had been turned off. I snuck back over to my window shutting it quietly as I went back to my bed slipping my legs back into the covers.

I didn't sleep that much after that, being in my bed I layed on my back as I stared up at my ceiling, trying not to think about what I was just gawking at. I got no sleep, seeing I had to get up in less then 5 hours I was not happy, which made me for when i had to get for school very angry and cranky. I while never be a morning person so not getting sleep is not an option

Which brings me to today. I'm currently running late to my classes, seeing as though I didn't get up for school from the lack of sleep, already in a bad mood I run down the halls to get to my class, my backpack currently hitting my back as I do so. I could see that the halls were already empty with people now in class.

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