The Truth Is Hard to Hear

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The fallout didn't happen that night as you might think because as soon as Lila got out of the tent, she bolted to her mother's car who had arrived to pick her up that night because she was going to visit her relatives and for once in her life, that was not a lie.

Most of the class were either in tears or looked ready to murder someone. Alya was stubbornly wanting to go yell at Marinette for lying as she still believed that Lila was telling the truth and Marinette had just stolen Lila reputation as Blue Bird that she had earned unlike Marinette who was so clumsy that she would regularly trip over air but when she got home and had time to think over tonight's reveal and what has happened for the past few months while hanging with Lila, she realised Marinette never had lied, Jagged had always had Fang the crocodile and that napkin would never have even hurt Max because it was thin paper and he was wearing glasses. She scoured the internet for any truth in what Lila said but she only found info from her blog, she compares old footage of Blue Bird and her footage that she had taken tonight to put on her blog, finding similarities each person performing the acts.

Alya spent the night crying hot tears as she deleted each article and video that told of Lila's lies, she was lucky that she had said Lila was Blue Bird because if she had, she was sure that blog would have been ripped to shreds. Alya briefly wonders why an Akuma hadn't come for her yet but unbeknownst to her, Gabriel was out of the country on a business trip so there would be no Akums for a while.

As for the rest of the class, they had also spent the night looking for any proof that hadn't been lying to them all this time but only found Lady Blog Articles which were gone by midnight. They thought about the times they had listened to Lila's lies and realised how stupid and flimsy they were, how no of them bothered to fact check.

That's when it hit them, what about Marinette and Adrien? First, they had isolated Marinette because she dare say Lila was lying, she was expelled when it found that she had stolen answers even though she had always studied, Lila probably planted the necklace since the lockers were insanely easy to break into and Lila probably faked being pushed down the stairs. After Marinette was let back into the school, they continued to give her the cold shoulder believing she had been jealous about Lila and Adrien even though she helps with a double date when he went out with Kagami and what about Adrien? They had given him the cold shoulder as well when he started to say that Lila was lying, they believed that he had been manipulated by Marinette and he was a lost cause because come she was now hanging around Chloe who was the class bully what were they supposed to think.

They now knew that they were in the wrong and they had to fix this mess. Alya had posted a video explaining why she took down so many videos and articles as well as that she was sorry that she fed her viewers lies, the class then tried text, calling or even going around to both Marinette and Adrien's houses but they never saw either of them. They saw on Adrien, Marinette, Chloe and Luka's Instagrams that they were helping the circus pack up, all weekend.

As Miss Bustier arrived home, after making sure every child got home safely, she looked into Lila's profile and found nothing to confirm the medical claims that Lila had made as well as the fact that Lila's mother signage looked very similar to Lila's own. She tired the numbers the next day and got no result. She looked into Lila's claims of going abroad but all public records show that her family had not gone on any trips.

Thinking back to the time Marinette had been expelled, she realised several inconstancies, Marinette left with Alya the day before the exam, so she couldn't have stolen the test answers without Alya knowing, the necklace could have been planted since those lockers are easy to get into without the lock combination and Lila had no injuries after Marinette 'pushed' her down the stairs, not a single scrape. Both she and Mr Damocles didn't even check the security cameras to see if what Lila was saying, had any proof, they use took her word and expelled Marinette. They hadn't even called in Lila's mother when Marinette had been brought back to school and Lila made the claim that she had a lying disease, that is one of the worst excuses since the 'dog ate my homework' excuse and they were idiotically gullible for falling for it. As soon as she could, she contacted Mr Damocles on her findings and both agreed that this would be dealt with, first thing on Monday.

The overall thought of the class that weekend was what they were going to Lila and how the hell were they going to apologies to Marinette.

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