#24: Used To This

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(A/N) since my sister reads my dumb shit, and she wanted a new one shot too...happy early early early birthday, my darling hermana (aka tubbykins lmfaooo) i tolerate u ig ig 😗😂💕


It's gonna take me a minute,
But I could get used to this...


Lauren's POV

Have you ever met someone and they changed your entire perspective on love?

I mean, in a good way.

A good type of change.

A good type of love.

Not the one where you wish you never experienced love.

Not the one where you're laying awake in bed, at two in the morning, begging the heavens to take your pain away.

To make you feel anything but this.

Not the type of love that makes you question whether you were worth it or not.

Not that type of love.

But a love so pure, a love so true.

A love that will have you randomly smiling at nothing in particular because you thought about them.

Have you ever experienced a love like that?

Have you ever been to somewhere, say San Francisco and it's just the hustling and bustling and the people are just too overbearing. (A/N I've never been to San Fran so idk shit bout there) And you decide that you hate it there. But then you meet someone, and they're from there, then all of a sudden it's your heaven on earth.

Have you ever met someone, the complete opposite of what you've ever wanted? But yet, you can't help but find yourself more and more in love with them?

Yeah, nah. Me neither.


Just kidding. Carry on.


"Pull over, pull over," you told me, grinning from ear to ear. "Lauren, I said to pull over!" It was your childlike excitement for God alone knows what caused me to listen to you.

I sighed heavily, but pulled over because who was I to deny you of whatever it is that you wanted to do?

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked you, as you unbuckled your seat belt and stepped out of the car, with your camera in tow.

You ignored me.

It was only until I realised that the sun was setting and the view was great from where we were. You stood their snapping picture after picture, and I couldn't help but admire the way you looked.

The sunset was beautiful.

But so were you.

And it was only then that I realised that maybe San Francisco wasn't so bad after all.

I didn't know what it was like until I had met you, to crave something so badly. To feel your soul ripping your insides trying to grasp it.

I didn't know what it was like to want something so desperately until I had it and missed it.

Last night, I didn't have her touch. I didn't get to hold her in my arms, and feel the rise and fall of her chest.

My heart ached at the absence of her that night.

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