Chapter 2

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Evaenna looked towards the list in her hand, with all of her three maids following behind her. Cleo was the most eager, being all but ten Winters. A child that was on the street, excited to went back to her element once again.

"The fishmonger, the baker... That was everything, right?" Evaenna turned to ask Karrie, but instead her eyes went past her to something behind the maid. A commotion? She squinted her eyes and realized that there are soldiers in maroon red marching down the street.

In the middle of them was the King himself, wearing a similar maroon uniform. It complimented his brown hair pretty well, even with the silly crown on his head. Evaenna raised an eyebrow. This was the first time the King was seen outside the palace after what happened last year. Some advisors probably advise him to go be seen, and he weirdly chose a farmer's market of all places.

The new King was crowned exactly a week ago, a month after the tragedy that caused his father's life. The advisors probably thought it best that he was seen inspecting the life of the people and merchants in the market—that he was seen as caring. To his credit, even from a distance he looked quite enthusiastic, actively asking a fruit merchant about things despite his soldiers trying to keep him from being too close to the common people. But Evaenna could see a slight slump in his build.

Finishing with the fruit merchant, he turned around, and his eyes met her own for a while. The haunted look in his eyes made her heart wrenched. It was probably a few seconds before one of his maroon guard nudged him and the royal group continued their walk through the farmer's market. The people made way for him, and she could felt the excited energy swimming around. They liked seeing the King, those people. It made them feel valued, important. Meaning the advice of those advisors worked.

"Oh my Goddess, my lady!" Little Cleo was jumping around. "You and the King stared for a while across a busy market... Hey, that sounds like the novel I just started reading yesterday! Oh, that's a start of something!"

Evaenna noticed Julia and Karrie exchanging amused glances and felt herself sighed. "Cleo, calm yourself. Please." Some people around them started to look on.

"But milady! Come on, it was the King! Looking at you!"

"Yes, I'm well aware, kid. He wore a crown." Evaenna felt a headache coming.

"Oh that was so cool! Milady—"

Karrie grabbed the kid's hand. "Just calm yourself down, you are embarrassing Her Ladyship," She said in a low voice.

"But—" Cleo looked around and finally realized that she was being watched by everyone. That made her blushed and looked down. "Sorry."

Evaenna sighed again, but this time an amused smile played on her lips. "Well, now, don't be sorry of who you are. Just try to control that excitement sometimes."

"Yes, milady," Cleo muttered, still looking down. The poor kid was embarrassed with the attention of everyone. Thankfully, the other people already dispersed, walking away continuing their activity.

Thank the Blessed One too, that the outer dress she wore wasn't ostentatious. People won't really connect her with the ignored daughter of the Duke of Limefrost, hopefully. She just couldn't stand out—people would hate her even more.

Not that she care. Anyway, no time to dwell on that. "Alright, Karrie. Who else do we need to confirm orders to? The florist, the butcher..."


The night came quickly, as did the banquet. It was rather busy downstairs in the dining room. Evaenna begged off with sickness as her excuse, and as the Duchess didn't really care much for her appearance, she was let off quite easily.

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