"Nobody in the Universe can do what we're doing"

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 During this time I’d turned twelve, only because the TARDIS told me I had no notion of the passing of time, a year could feel like a week, sometimes forever.

 My first crush on a companion was Jamie. No I didn’t see that one coming, a Scottish boy in a skirt but well it still makes me blush to think of him and his shapely legs… Truth be told the highlander from the 1700’s was a wee bit out of his depth but I know deep down I would be, a girl who has lived all her life in a time machine, who has never set foot outside…I guess that’s why I liked Jamie, I could relate to him and never had the Doctor had a braver or more loyal companion and what a great team they made together. Then there was the lovely Victorian orphan Victoria but boy could that gal scream and then feisty, cat suited, bright spark Zoe but poor Jamie even though he tried his hardest he still couldn’t steal a kiss from either of the girls. But they all had so much fun, maybe too much while saving all those worlds. I thought this funny, adventurous version of the Doctor was here to stay for a long time. But I was wrong, I guess the Doctor’s interfering for the greater good had caught up with him in the end. The TARDIS had seen it coming but as usual her hands were tied. Though getting a glimpse of the Doctor’s own people, I can see why he went on the run in the first place, stern, cold and calculating, completely devoid of any sense of humour whatsoever but I guess, that didn’t account for all the people just the movers and shakers on the Doctor’s home planet which I eventually discovered was called Gallifrey.

 So knowing what they were like I suppose it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to the Doctor when his past finally caught up with him, forcing him to face the wrath of his people. But the “Time Lords” as they liked to call themselves were a bit harsh. Though the TARDIS made sure they never found me, whenever she found herself under threat, she would always fold me away in one of her time pockets and keep me safe from prying eyes. But she could not keep the Doctor and his companions safe and what the Time Lords did to Jamie, Zoe and the Doctor, well I can never forgive them. So it was goodbye to Uncle Doctor and his mad, funny, brilliant ways. Yet I seem to remember thinking at the time that it would be alright.

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