part 1

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authors note</3 :

hey this might be seperated into part 2 because i just moved to a new school and this writting is taking too much time. this might turn into a smut story. 

( 15+ )

we left off where kelsy told mikey her name. lets start---> 

i stayed beside this mikey guy. his smile made me feel like more of a person. a guy walked in and danielle was behind him. The guy was cute. no gonna lie. his light curly hair was making me stare. he just started walking to me. he just looked me up and down. i went to the front of bryces house and some guy started to sit beside me. 

"hey" nods pervy ugly bitch 

" uh.. hi" stutters kelsy 

his hand was on my thigh. i felt unconfortable. 

"uh, i should go and find my friend" stuters kelsy 

"why? your kelsy mills, your down with anything" smirks pervy bitch 

then the guy from early shoved him off and he looked scared. 

" i was handling it myself" scoffs kelsy 

" you could say thank you" scoffs mikey 

"thank you?" scoffs kelsy 

"anytime gorgeous" laughs mikey

I rolled my eyes. this mikey kid.. 

he was a cute guy but he was acting like he could charm me. 

part 2?

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