part 2

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/author's note/ 

heres part 2 of chapter 2 i might just post on this from now on. 

/ enjoy /

we left off where kelsy gets annoyed with mikey lets start---> 

i was looking for celena. she was making out with some guy. 

"celena. i'm gonna go home" nods kelsy 

" do you want me to take you home?" nods celena 

"no. i could just walk. plus you have a good birthday night" smiles kelsy 

i hated leaving celena . but i wanted to be alone. sam cheated on me with a chick and now they were all over each other. i grabbed my coat. i smiled as i left bryces house. as i walked out, some idiot almost ran me over. I snarled and he just looked at me. he had a baby face. he just smirked. 

" be careful mama, someone might get distracted by your looks" smirks cute guy

"maybe you should watch where your driving dumb ass" scoffs kelsy 

"whats a fine thing like you doing out here?" smirks cute guy 

" i'm walking home. its been a rough night" nods kelsy 

"let me drive you home" nods cute guy 

"has anyone told about strangers?" laughs kelsy 

" i'm jacob" smirks cute guy 

"kelsy" laughs kelsy 

"see we aint strangers" laughs jacob

- Jacobs prov- 

i only have known her for 5 minutes, but it felt like i found so much about her.  she kept yelling at me bc i was such a terrible driver 

" you are such a terrible driver" Laughs kelsy 

"i know. that's another flaw about me" laughs jacob 

" you just to learn to drive. its not flaw bc you don't have any" smiles Kelsy 

" is that your house?" nods Jacob 

"uh. yeah. so i'll see you later " sighs Kelsy 

" yeah see yah soon" smiles jacob 


be continued.... 

part 3?

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