Chapter Two

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Keith's POV
I wake up to the sound of my annoying, and nosey alarm clock. I hang my feet over the edge of my bed; yawning and stretching. It's Friday; only one more day until the weekend, and freedom from hell for 2 days. I can't wait till school is over, but at the same time I don't. I hate being home.

Not only is my father a massive ass, he's an abusive, sex offender, and alcoholic. The only reason I haven't been took out of my home, is because my father forced me at the age of 10 to say my father was an amazing "daddy" and ever hurt me or did drugs. The only reason he got caught was because I told a friend about my dick of a dad, and they told the teacher.

I don't know how many bruises I came back to school with the next day. But if I can't go to Pidge's I'll probably just go to Shiro's house. Shiro is my big brother and has been there for me through thick and thin.

Ever since our mom passed away me and my brother have been really close. He's  32 now but at lest he has his own apartment, I'm still 19 and stuck with my dad so I can keep going to college. Right now I can't afford my own home; not even an apartment.

I can't live with Shiro because it's too far. So I'm kinda just dealing at this point. Any way I slip out of my bed and walk into to my bathroom; grabbing my school cloths off the dresser. I slide on my black Paramour crop-top, and put on some Black ripped jeans, with a red flannel tied around my waist.

I brush my teeth and hair, after I put on some deodorant and cologne. I put on my checkered Vans, pop in my headphones, blasting MCR, and leave making my way to school.

I was surprised when I felt my phone vibrate. I had gotten a text from lance.

🙂Lance: Good morning :> I'm on my way to my University so I'll maybe text you after school.

You:  Cool. Have a good day Lance.

🙂Lance: you too Mullet ;>
I rolled my eyes and smiled when I seen that text. Today is gonna be a strangely good day.

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