Chapter Three

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Finally lunch time; not that I eat school lunch but it's the perfect time to hang out with Pidge. Speaking of, "hey I'm sorry I didn't text you last night just a lot happened with my brother." Pidge slumped down into her seat handing me her bag of chips. "It's alright." I push the bag away. "What happened?"

"Last night Adam come out as gay; of course he has my full support but out mom and dad didn't take it well." They look down at their feet, stuffing their face sadly. "I'm so sorry. How is he?" I put my hand on their shoulder. "He's ok, me and his friends were their for him." She lit up. "That's good."

Pidge jumped with joy. "So, off topic but have you seen the transfer? Girls have been hitting on him all day." I roll my eyes, I've always hated the fact that girls are obsessed with the new guys. "Nope." I say blankly. "You should talk to him." She gave me a wink. "Pidge come on you don't even know if he likes guys." I grab my sketch book.

"Whatever wanna  go sit with Hunk?" They tucked their choppie red hair behind their ear. "Already planned on it" I smiled. Pidge and I walked over to Hunks table, when I notice he was talking to someone with an familiar back.

"Hey Pidge!" Hunk yelled as I sat next to the guy with choppy hair not looking at him or even showing a sign of notice until someone introduced me. "Hi Keith." Hunk said with a big smile, while moving is banana yellow bandana out of his face. "Keith!?" A familiar voice said beside me. I turned my head and went wide eyed.

"Lance?! What are you doing here."  I almost jumped out of my seat. "I-I'm a transfer." He rubbed the back of his neck blushing. "Oh ok." I shook my head. "So guys how do you know each other exactly?" Pidge smiled getting excited.

"Well after you left the café yesterday I got lost on my way home and Lance took me to the school." I replied. "Aw that's cute." Hunk said blowing is bandanna our of his face. "Cute?" I said annoyed. "I'm straight."

Lance said awkwardly. "and ether way we just a met that's weird." I felt kinda sad when he said that. "Dang it whatever." Pidge said sadly. "Bye guys imma go chill in the library for a bit." I said standing up and grabbing my things. "Random but ok." Pidge surged.

Sorry for it being so short I just haven't posted in a while so :>

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