
1.5K 43 27

Car: I'm getting lunch do you guys want anytjing

Noah: from where
What's the price limit
How long will it take
When are you ordering

Coopa: jessus

Schlat: *Jesus

Coopa: yes, thank you schlatt

Schlat: no prob

Car: who wants food

Trav: yum

Schlat: big mac

Car: not you, jschlatt

Schlat: (-_-)

Noah: where are you getting food

Car: idk McDonald's i guess?

Coopa: buttermilk crispy chickin
No pickles

Car: k

Noah: big Mac, fries and a Dr pepper

Car: yuck ok

Trav: two plain cheese burger s and pepsi

Coopa: bepis

Car: k
I'm just gonna go get it

Coopa: nice

Noah: stay safe
or whatever

Car: mk

Trav: yum

Coopa: yep

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