Not A Chapter

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Hey just thought I should do a quick update. Here's the stuff I'll be covering, feel free to skip this

(cuz I'm forgetful and need a list:)
~ formatting
~ carson
~ Corona / quarantine

Ok so I'm sorry about this not being a chapter, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna be going back through the chapters I've uploaded and making them the same format as I'm currently doing.
Because I'll be re-editing it, it might make you lose your place in the book, so sorry about that 😳 at least I dont have too many chapters


About Carson's mental health, and just mental health in general atm:

Im sure Carson appreciates the support, but remember not to be so overwhelming that it's hard to deal with. Don't be creepy, don't beg for attention, don't praise him. Let him heal, let him know he's cared about, and give him his time. He'll come back when he's ready.

Now, quarantine...

I've been at home, only having contact with two friends, and the two people who live in my house. I've only gone as far as my backyard, and I'm honestly getting paranoid (stop hogging the toilet paper you fucks. I have like 7 rolls left for my whole house)

Being on lock down can be tough, especially for people who don't have much food, are in an abusive household, or have mental health issues.
Be considerate of other's situations and stay safe please.

Also I just dyed my hair green whoops

~kei 💜

Edit: the green dye didn't work :(

Edit: I ordered bleach and hair dye and also my friends can't come over :-( but I'm ok

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