Chapter 6: Scarlet's Admirer~!

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scarlet soon finished putting the out fit together and tried it on. It was a perfect fit...and nobody could reconize her in the outfit either, which was perfect~! she soon heard a knock on her window and walked over to find an evee...there with a note tide around it's neck....

" This guy doesn't have a name...and i know you could give him one and a home...


G~!" scarlet read out aloud

" well hello there little one~!" scarlet said

" HEY~! I'm not wanna go! girly?! alright then put em up! Put em up!" the evee said

" Oh jesus!" scarlet said

" Jesus what?!" the evve said

" i can understand you~!" scarlet yelled

" HOLLY SHIT!" the evve said

" well that's neat anyway....i wonder what gender u are...." scarlet said picking the evve up

" hey! i'm a boy! you dutz!" the evve yelled

" oh yes u are alright!' scarlet giggled...

" well that out rules a nice fluffy pink collar!" scarlet said

" Hell nah! i ain't no dam barbie doll~!" the evve yelled

Pokemon'naito ( ash x mewtwo/mewtwo x ash/ mewtwo x sathoshi) (Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now