~part 23~

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"Come on. That's the best deal you've ever been offered!" Tom said. You laughed and then kind of cried.

"No. No no no- I can't. Th-this isn't good. I know what's happening, I know what you're doing." You sat up.

"What am I doing?" He tried to look at your eyes.

"Y-you're only going to make me love you more, but then you're going to die and I'm going to be even more sad, and I- I can't-"  He didn't say anything. He looked down feeling guilty.

"But," you started, "but if I don't spend as much time as I can with you, I'll never forgive myself and I'll regret it for- for forever." Tom closed his eyes tight as if he were in pain. Then he took your hand and kissed it.

"This is so dumb." He said, "why am I dying? I-I don't know what I did. I don't know why I'm being tortured."


"Why did I have to meet you? Why are you perfect? Why now? I don't know what I did!"

"Stop. It's not your fault."

He chuckled, "I don't know about that."

"I know that." You said seriously. He looked into your eyes and smiled. "I really want to kiss you right now."

"Why?" You smiled weakly.

"I really like kissing you. You're good at it."

"You're not too bad either." You laughed, pushing away your tears. He leaned in slowly, and when he was 1/2 of and inch away you moved.

"Watch yourself Mr. Holland." Yo said softly.

He smirked, "Mr. Holland? You haven't called me that in forever."

"I know. It felt like the right time."

"Is there a right time for "Mr. Holland" to get a kiss?"

"Soon. But not yet." He laughed and looked at the floor. You thought of how when Tom was gone he was going to be really gone. It sunk in that these are your last months with Tom for forever. You knew that going on this trip was a mistake, but not going on the trip felt like am even bigger one

"I love you y/n. I love so much. Which feels insane, like I've never felt love before." He said, All while not making eye contact.

"Tom," he looked up at you, "deal." He smiled then pushed you onto the bed and kissed you softly. You laughed.

"Now is the "right time" for that kiss."


You yawned and streached, a annoying bright light from the sun was in your eyes and you tightly closed them, while trying to cover the sorce of the light with your hand.
You pushed yourself onto your elbows, and smiled when you looked out the window.
You could see the ground and it wasn't far. Tom wasn't in the bed, but he was staring out the window.

"Oh my gosh!" You yelled at him throwing a pillow.

"What?" He said startled from the pillow.

"I cannot believe you were going to let me sleep through the landing!" You said half joking half serious.

"You don't know that. Maybe I was waiting for the last minute." Tom said chuckling.

"Yeah right." You said starring at him.

"Come on." He said and reached his hand out for you. You took it and got out of bed. You only had a bra and sweats. "Well this is cute." You laughed at yourself.

"It definatly is." You both watched the ground grow bigger. When the jet landed you both fell, and you ended up on top off him. You both laughed your heads off and started to get up when the desk lady came in.

"Oh!" She looked away, "I am SO sorry! I did not mean to interrupt-"

"No no you didn-"

"I will just-uhm-" she quickly left and closed the door. That only made you guys laugh harder. Tom started to cough in the middle of it and you got off of him. You felt your heart brake and you helped him up. He weakly stood up.

"You okay?" You asked. He forced a smile on his face, "Yeah I'm all good." He kissed you, "let's go see the house."

You hated that he just ignored the fact he was- ya know. But you didn't want to make it a big deal or bug him.

"Well, let me at least change first."

"Y/n, we're on a different island." He laughed grabbing your waist.

"Right. I knew that." He pulled you in tight and kissed you. After a long kiss you pushed away.

"Okay okay, let's go." You giggled. Ew I just giggled. You said to yourself. He led you outside of the jet, the sun was way too bright. You had to do the same thing you did when you woke up and covered the sun with your hand. You tripped a little on the stairs and Tom caught you. When you looked up, you saw the house.


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