Part 2

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Next week

I wake up and do my routine. I tidy up my luggage and walked down stairs.
"Omma, I'm ready to go" I said
"Lemme send you there because I will miss you" she said and pout.
"Okay, let's eat. I'm hungry" I said then smile.
When we finish our breakfast, my mom send me to the school.
"Y/Nahh~ please take care of yourself, don't get hurt, don't forget to eat, sleep well there, and-" she said while hold my hand tight but I interrupt her.
"I know mom, I won't hurt myself,I know to take care , don't worry" I giggle because of he behavior and I kiss her cheeks, she kiss my cheeks too.
"Bye omma! " I wave her and run to Jhope. Both of us went toward the bus. I sit beside Namjoon because I Jhope sit beside Yoongi. But that jerk sit front of me.

6 hours later

We arrive and Namjoon wake me up.
"We arrive now" Namjoon said
I go to down the bus and I heard people keep talking "no line here" and they try to find the line.
"Oh man, huh I need to find line, I want inform my mom" I walk away from them and finally I found the line. I chat my mom and tell her we arrive safely.
But suddenly I saw that jerk.
"What are doing here huh?" He ask me but I ignore him. When I try to escape from him, he grab my hair hard and make me fall on the ground.
"You want it too right?! " I pull his hair too,  hard and make he groan in pain harder.
"Argg! What your problem huh?!!!  It hurt! " I yell at him while hold my hair.
He want to run but I pull his leg before he run and make he fall too.
"Where do you want to run huh?! "  I ask him while sit on him and hit him on his face.
"It not hurt" he mocking me.
"Oh really?! " I said and punch him and he groan. Then he change our position and he sit on me. He hit me back.
"Is that you have?! So weak! Werkkk"  I stick out my tongue to him and bury my face. Then I pull his hair again. We stand up together while keep pulling each other hair.
"You start it first! " I yell to him while pull his hair.
"You annoy me first! " he yell while pull my hair.
"What the fuck, since when?! Huh! "  I yell him and scream.
"Since we me-" he was about to said but someone stop him.


While we assemble the tent, I heard someone scream.
"I heard someone fighting " Jimin said and sip tea.
"I heard Y/N voice screaming " Namjoon said while hold the tent.
"And I heard Jungkook voice screaming " Yoongi said and raise his eyebrow.
"Wait, where is Y/N and Jungkook?" I ask them.
"Oh shit! Y/N and Jungkook! They fighting again! "  Taehyung and Jhope said together.
Then we start to find them. After few minutes we found them pulling hair each other.
"Stop argue! Both of you! Jungkook! " Suga shout to them.


"I just want message my mom and we met each other then he pull my hair! " I point at Jungkook
"I jus-" Namjoon interrupt him.
"With girl too you want to fight? Jungkook, you're not kid anymore, you're man. Respect her" Namjoon sigh.
Then I stick out my tongue to him and mocking him again
"That what you get, werkkk" I whisper to him and he was about to knock my head because I'm short than him.
"Y/N, you too"  Jin said.
"Bu-" I want to say but Yoongi interrupt me.
"Enough "  Yoongi interrupt me
"Okay" I and Jungkook together and look down the ground.
I walk with Jhope and hold his arm tightly because I scared with forest around us. Then Jin said to me and Jungkook -
"Can both of you not argue for just about this week? " Jin ask.
"We will try "  we said.
Then I heard some noise behind the shrub and I quickly hug and hide my face to his chest.
"Y/N, what wrong? " Jhope ask me.
"I heard some noise behind that shrub" I said while hug him tightly.
"Jimin, check it" Namjoon order him
Jimin obey him and check the shrub.
"Nothing here" Jimin said.
"We already late, let's go" Jin said.
We went to the tent while I'm still hug Jhope. I don't know why I felt safe in his embrace.
"Where do you guys go huh? " The teacher ask us.
"Take some air" Jimin lied to him
"Go take your tent, Jhope, Y/N, Jungkook. You're in that tent" Teacher point the tent.
"WHAT?! WITH THIS PIG?! " Jungkook said shock
"WHAT?! WITH THIS PERVERT?! " I said shock too
"" that teacher began creepy.
"Okay okay, we going" I said,  Jhope and me walk together, left Jk walk alone behind and he annoy me.
"And don't do that 'thing' in the tent" Teacher said.
"Eiuw, WE WON'T " all of us said together and walk towards our tent.
I lay down between Jhope and Jungkook, I put the pillow between me and Jungkook for not letting him do to me.
"Don't cross this okay" I said to Jungkook.
"The hell I'm not " he said annoy and face other.
Then I turn my face toward Jhope, but I can't sleep because I remind my younger brother.. He already passed away.


2 years ago

While we play ball together, the ball fall on the road, I was about to take the ball but my younger brother take it first and without I realized that car driver drive the car with drunk and bump him... I saw many blood around him and shout for help (since that day I got blood trauma). The driver go out from the car and it's our father... He ran away not helped us. After a day later, I got new from my mother that my father suicide himself because he felt guilt on the late my younger brother or something else? I don't know.


Without realize my tears feel down on my cheek, I look at Jhope and Jungkook,they sleep peaceful. I saw Jungkook sleep coldly and I hover my blanket above him. After that, I sniff quite and get up to go outside to take some air. I go to the river then I sit on the rock and look at the star while singing and cry (I Miss You by So you).
"I miss you younger brother.. " I whisper myself.
Suddenly I heard same noise and look at the shrubs.
"Wow, I don't know you can sing, well finally I found you after 2 years" ??? laugh and clap his hand.
"Who are you?! What do you want?! Show your face! I'm not afraid of you!" I yell and wipe my eyes.
"Oh really? Not afraid? " ??? laugh hysterically.
"No! I'm not! " I yell while look around and saw a unfamiliar figure.

To be continue

Guess who it is? Its not BTS.

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