#2 Writing (Closed)

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Officially grounded, grounded. I'm online only once a week. If you have any queries or suggestions, message within this chapter or PM me. I'll respond as soon as I can! <3

First up, RULES:

1) Add this book to your library or a reading list

2) Make sure that your work is original! And IN ENGLISH!

3) Post your entries as either a short story or as a book of its own.

4) When entering, make sure to tag your book (ENTRY) by leaving a link and leave the name too! Or you can PM me instead. Vote for this chapter or comment "cakes" if entering

5) Prompt must be included in your work! Word for Word with this one! Also Follow the word limit!

6) You can have up to two entries for this contest, if you would like to enter more than one.

7) Post before the due date or on. Any entries submitted after 11:59pm will not be considered!

8) ANY genre is acceptable

9) Winners get to pick which book they want myself and my fellow judges to read and vote on!

10) This contest is not in-line with the other. The rules of the first are not the same with this one. You can enter both if you so wish. Your entries for both competitions will be considered once you comply with the given rules.


PROMPT: (Can be used anywhere but must be word for word)

"No!" I yelled as the door behind me shook again with another BRANG! from the other side.


It was of no use. I was trapped.


~ 600 words - 1200 words


~1 ST PLACE: Your story will be read by myself and two other friends. We WILL read your ENTIRE book.

(If your book doesn't have that amount of chapters then negotiations are open!)

Also, your book will get its own chapter in FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW!!!

~2 ND PLACE: Your story, any of your choice, will be posted to my profile. Twelve chapters will also be read.

(If your book doesn't have twelve, negotiations are open)

~3 RD PLACE: Eight chapters of any book of your choosing will be read. (If your book doesn't have eight chapter, negotiations are open)

~GOOD READ CHOICE: You get to pick one of three options:

Which can be discussed after.


DUE DATE: Was January 24th 2020,

NOW: Before APRIL 1st, 2020



*PS: If you want to be a judge, PM me.

*FOR those that are new to contests, I know some of you are:

- Follow the rules above.

- In this chapter you will get a prompt. You have to write a story using the prompt (beginning, middle, end- position of prompt doesn't matter, once the prompt is used word for word).

- Make sure the story you write is within the word limit or exactly. You can write about anything. Be creative!

- When done, publish on your account as either a chapter of a book you already have or as a book on its own and then copy the link.

- Come in this book and paste the link next to the part where you have to submit entries, AbOvE. When you paste the link, before sending, type the name of your book you are entering; that way, I find it easier.

- After, all you have to do is wait, or you can enter another contest during that time. Once, Judging is complete, winners will be posted in a chapter directly after this one and I will PM all the winners!


<3 Virtu <3

& Kayleigh (aka Kayline)

VIRTUOSO MISCELLANEOUS CONTESTSWhere stories live. Discover now