Chapter 3

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Sigh. What's taking her so long? What doesn't she understand about drugging him and bringing him here? As I was thinking this she walked in with him in her arms.

"Master, I have done as you asked. Where do you want me to put him?" I pointed towards the table. I hoped he wouldn't find it too cold. I mean it was made of marble. As she set him down, I got to get a good look at him. He's just as captivating and handsome as he looked in the pictures we got from spying on him. It all started a while ago...


"Tyler?" He asked. I was currently speaking to Tarik Faysal, the league's sultan, or ruler as others may call it. "Yes?"

"You know how we are in need of somebody to help us, right? I've sent many to try to find someone who possesses the right qualities, but none have come back with what I was searching for. I want you to go, and I do not allow you the privilege to return until you find one."

"Sultan, you cannot just exile me like that. I am your second in command!" What does he think he's doing? Who's going to replace me if I leave for a long time?

"Only more the reason to ask you. You will come back only when you have what we are looking for. You are my second in command, so I could trust you to do as I say, correct?"

"Yes." I croaked out. My voice was starting to become forced. I felt my throat constrict and my breathing got heavier. What if I never find the right person and never come back? "Are you sure you want to send me? What if I never come back? Who will take my place?"

"Listen Tyler, you are already broken, I think you would enjoy and actually need this time to yourself. If you do stay, we will never find anybody and you will just want to leave this place anyway. Consider this when you are getting ready to leave. Oh, and you are leaving in less than twenty-four hours. Go get ready. This is also the last time we will see each other until you come back, so farewell. Find somebody... perfect." At first I was in shock, but then I realized that all he was saying was true. I started crying at some point, not really caring that I was. I was broken. He was right. I was in love with a boy once... but nothing ever ends well right? Well, actually, that boy used to be here, with us. His name was Eon. He was amazing. One day, the same day I died on the inside, the day my heart exploded in a million pieces, he got kidnapped during a mission and well... he... h-he... died. I couldn't even talk to anybody. All I could do was cry.

I decided there was no changing his mind, walking back to my home. I got my stuff ready, and for a second a smile creeped on my face, thinking it would be fun. Maybe he's right, maybe it is what I need. The more I thought of places I could go to, the more excited I got. I guess this wasn't going to be as boring as I thought it would be...

My thoughts were cut short with the sudden urge to pee. I needed to go so badly, I felt like I could do it right now, on the floor, so I ran as fast as I could towards the bathroom. I could have sworn I had heard some rustling on the table where Troye was laying when I rushed past him, but I had priorities. When I finally got to the bowl, I felt like I was in heaven, making an 'ah' sound while I was relieving myself. After thoroughly washing my hands, I jogged lightly towards the room Troye was in, wanting to make sure he wouldn't wake up, unless he already was. Trust me, I wouldn't mind staring at his face for a few more minutes. When I was nearing the room, I was fairly sure I heard a bang. He must have woken up.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I decided I would answer him once I got inside, the sliding doors opening as I neared. "Hello, Troye." I said, admiration seeping through my voice.

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