Chapter 4

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"I am not sure I feel okay with choosing if this baby lives or dies." I admit to Grant.

Grant looks at me nodding. "this is a lot to process, we don't have to make this decision now if you don't want to."

"I feel like we do though I don't want either of us to begin to get attached then the other decide to end it." I pause for a moment feeling the need to throw up again. "how do you feel about ending the pregnancy?" I ask grabbing the trash can placing it in arms reach in case I were to need it. Not really sure what more I would be able to throw up at this point.

"I have never believed in making someone end a pregnancy I always promised myself I would take responsibility for my actions. But in this case I didn't lay a finger on you and you are caring my child. I mean most people would say that is impressive." he says giving me a wink causing me to laugh again. "I have always wanted to be a father. when my brother and I were younger we made a joke saying we would have kids on the same day so that we could make them twins like us. we were thirteen I know now that isn't how it works." he smiles taking a moment. "it almost just makes me wonder if this is some kind of joke or something." he says laughing making me confused.

"I'm afraid  this isn't a joke I don't think a doctor would call us here mess with our heads then say haha I was only trying to get a laugh." I say a little annoyed.

"no, no that's not what I mean, my brother died three months ago from a two year on going cancer." he paused as his Adams apple moved telling me he swallowed. "I'm sorry I know this is all weird. But my brother kept telling me to find a girl to make me laugh but also someone who would slap me around when I was acting stupid." he says looking down at his hands. "I haven't laughed this much since his passing, that and the fact his wife is pregnant with his baby the same time you accidently get pregnant with mine. It just seems like he sent you to me and now that I say it out loud I sound like I am making this all up to get in your pants." he finishes and I cant hold it in anymore as I burst into tears yet laugh as well.

"I am sorry that was really sad but it did sound like something a guy would say to get in my pants" I say laughing harder while Grant joins in on the laughter.

Once again we laugh for what felt like five minutes and now I feel like I am going to pee on myself. I hurry to the bathroom that is connected to the room we are in as I slowly stop laughing. After I am done I wash my hands then exit the bathroom seeing Grant smiling at me.

"What" I question pulling out my phone reading all my moms frantic text before telling her I was okay just needed to figure out what we wanted to do as well as get to know Grant. once I was don't I looked back up at Grant waiting for his answer.

"The choose is of course still up to you but if you want my honest opinion. I want this baby, I am not saying you have to be the mom if you wanted to choose adoption.  I wouldn't expect anything." he says looking at my belly. I look down at my belly as well that's when it hit me. we are talking about it like it is an object. Like we where deciding wither to buy shoes or a shirt. I'm caring a life. A life just like us did not decide to be created, but why does that give us a right to take its chance to live away. What if my mom had choose to live life and not be a mother, then my brother wouldn't have been born. I wouldn't have had amazing memories. Mika wouldn't have been born.

"I wanna keep the baby." I say placing my hand on my belly.

"We are going to be parents?" Grant asks causing me to nod.

"We are going to be parents, wow that sounds weird to say. I am having a baby with a stranger." I say sitting back down with my hand still on my belly.

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