Chapter 22

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"is this the famous lady Seth was telling me about the other day?" she questioned smiling. Grant just nodded in response. "you must be a very special lady for you to bring her here, you never let me meet any of the girls you have been with." with that I couldn't help but to smile.

"Yes she is very special to me granny, I meant to bring her by sooner but things have been crazy as you can see." He says rubbing my belly.

"Yes yes I can see how are you feeling, How far along are you now?" She smiled coming over to place her hand where grants was just resting.

"We will be 15 weeks tomorrow, our next appointment is in 3 weeks, that's when we will find out the gender." I Explain smiling.

"Wow you are quite big to only be 15 weeks along. If I didn't know better I'd say you where having twins." She pauses slightly. "Have you felt any movement yet?"

I shake my head no

She nodded. " I am sure you well within the next week or so, right this way you will love the food here." She smiles to me as she leads up too a booth. "Now I know what grant wants but homey what can I get you we have water, tea, soda, lemonade.."

"Lemonade will be fine."

"Great well I will go get that real fast and tell Tom you all are here and see if we can maybe make up something special but until then look over the menu see if there is something that looks good to you first." She says with a smile before leaving up to be seated.

Once we sat down I looked at grant who had the biggest smile on his face. "You look happy" I told him with a smile. He responded with a "more then you know."

"So what is this place?"

"This my lady is my all time go to place, my best friends family owns it that's his grandmother it's kinda my safe happy place, with the best food." He says smiling at me.

I look around the cute dinner, it had a nice charm to it. It was like a rustic farmhouse feel with wood tables and white chairs and booths. They had the cutest mansion jar light figures at each table as well. To the far side of the restaurant there was a wall full of pictures of people individually and families.

"What do the pictures mean?"

"Granny likes to remember all the regulars and make them feel like home, so she asks if it's okay if she puts a picture of them on the wall. People bring new ones or seasonal ones and she changes it out." He smiles grabbing my hand. "Maybe we can take some pictures of us, if we are lucky we may make the cut" he tells me with a wink.

I laugh slightly as the lady comes back with our drinks. "Have y'all had a second to look at the menu or have y'all been google eyes this whole time." She asks nudging Grant who smiles at her then winks at me again. "I know what I want, baby have you looked threw the menu?"

I shake my head no shyly, "sorry umm no I haven't I was busy admiring this place." I tell them honestly as I begin to open the menu.

"Oh Hun it's totally fine take all the time you need. Dona will be by shortly she will be your server I need me a break granny has been working since open." She smiles rubbing grants shoulder.

"Gran they work you to hard go sit down and bark orders." He smiles at her shewing her away.

"That's why you've always been my favorite." She smiles as she walks in the back.

"What do you normally get?"

"I love the taco soup on Saturdays pop makes the best so that's what I wanted to get it comes with homemade scoop chips which I love to use as a spoon mmm so delicious." He says closing is eyes.

"That does sound really good I think I'll try that as well then." I laugh placing my menu down.

"Oh you won't regret it."

We talk for a little longer then a pretty lady comes up to our table

"We'll never did I think I'd see the day grant brought in one of his girls. Don't you normally keep this place a secret." She laughs nudging him just like granny did.

"Dana she isn't just some girl she is the girl and the mother of my unborn child. Hannah this is Seth's sister Dona, Dona this is Hannah." He says smiling.

"Oh yes uhhh, Seth was telling me about you. Sorry I didn't realize. Can I get you order?" She asks looking at my belly then back at grant quickly.

"We will both have pop's taco soup." Grant tells her handing her our menu's to which she nods and rushed to the kitchen.

"We'll she seemed thrilled about the baby." I say looking down.

"She will get use to the idea, she's had a crush on me for a few years now but no worries she is like a little sister to me."

"Oh yep that explains it. I'm sure she will have an even more shocking look when she hears I'm only eighteen." I laugh in order to hide my jealousy. Why am I even jealous, he just told me there was nothing to worry about but here I am. Could you blame me tho be she beautiful!

She has long black hair with green eyes, looked to be a littler taller then me but still shorter then grant, not skinny but more of a thick girl as in she has a ass and rack for days but her belly is pretty flat. All around she is beautiful. By the look she is giving me she knows it too and is probably wondering why he is with a girl like me.

"Babe, you have nothing to worry about. I have never seen her that way nor will I ever see her that way." Grant says grabbing my hand rubbing the top of my hand before pulling it closer to him so he could kiss it.

A/N- 🙋🏼‍♀️ heyyyy, guys I am so sorry that I have not updated this story. A I had a writers block and nothing felt good enough then B my husband got pretty sick and is still sick so it's been a crazy time over here in my house. I missed these characters so much! Thank you all who have stayed and continue to read I am currently working on the next chapter and will write as much as I can tonight.
I love you all!!
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-emily Allmon

Hannah the pregnant Virgin Where stories live. Discover now