Chapter 19

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The box was pretty with stars all over. I untied the big bow on top slowly opening the lid. Inside was a large round keychain with two keys. One looked like a house key, but the other one is what made my heart stop.

"Grant what is this?"

"Your house key along side your new car keys." He says with the biggest smile.

"You bought her a car? Man that puts all our gifts look like poop."Katie yells

"I-I can't take this Grant." I told him looking down into the box.

"Yes, you can." He says wrapping his arms around

"You can't give me a car I don't have the money to pay you back."

"I'm giving you my old car it's a very well kept Honda that I bought two years ago. It has just been sitting at my parents house since I got my GTR. I want you to have it, or at least drive it so I know that you will always have a ride to and from school. There will be days I won't be able to take you or pick you up do to work." He says kissing my forehead.

I nodded still feeling guilty.

"I think we are going to go. Give you guys some alone time." Katie says smiling.

"If you need anything let us know okay." Sammy says giving me a small wave.

I told them thank you and walked them to the door. I truly have the best friends anyone could ask for.

"Grant this really is to much." I said handing him the keys.

"Hannah this whole pregnancy has been to much. This is the least I can do right now. I wanna take care of you." He says wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to him. "You are giving me the gift of being a father. A car is not even close to repaying you."

His lips pressed against mine with so much passion as he placed his hand on my belly.

He pulls away pressing his forehead against mine. "This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."

Grants smile can light up the whole room. Today has been the best birthday, between spending time with the girls and Grant I couldn't ask for a better day.

"So would you like to take your new ride out for a spin?" Grant asks dangling my keys.

"And go where?"

"Anywhere your heart desires." He winks.

"The bedroom?" I giggle bitting mg lip.

"We don't really have to drive there but If that is what you want we can do that. It's a little early for bed but we could take a nap if you need." Grant says looking at his phone.

"I was thinking of something else." I left him with that thought as I began walking to the bedroom. I wanted today, on my birthday, to be the day I loose my virginity. I wanted grant to have all on me.

Half way up the stairs I hear grants footsteps coming from the kitchen. "Wait up sexy." He laughs running to catch up to me.

I jog up the steps running into his room feeling slightly nervous. What if I am no good, will it be weird having sex while pregnant? What if I make it weird by doing something wrong. Grant seemed to notice my nerves as he stands behind me placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you wanna do this. We could just cuddle for a while if you aren't ready."

I turning around so I was facing Grant so I could look into his beautiful eyes. "I wanna give you my virginity today, right now, but I am nervous. I have no idea what to do or how to do it. I don't wanna be the pregnant virgin anymore."

Hannah the pregnant Virgin Where stories live. Discover now