S2 • Loosing You

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"Do you hate me Taehyung?"

Taehyung flinched, taken off guard.

"What are you talking about Yurin?"

"You never text me, you never call me, you never visit me, you never... you never- god!.. Taehyung I miss you."

"I'm sorry."

She looks at him, hurt by the lack of emotion. She feels her eyes sting but she tries to confront them.

"Stop, for the love of god, stop saying that. I'm so sick of it, why is that all you say to me?"

Taehyung hides his emotions well, only giving a shrug. On the inside though, his mind is racing, as it usually does.

"Taehyung please, please just... talk to me!"

"And what do you want me to say? What is it that you want me so badly to say?" He snaps, a little sharper than Yurin expected from him.

"It's not.. I just want you to say something to me, stop acting like I don't exist, stop acting like you hate me, stop.. stop ignoring me."

Just then, she noticed a change in his eyes, how much darker they got.

"When we started this, didnt I tell you not to get attached? Didn't I say that no matter what, we'll never be happy?"

Yes, she remembered that conversation very well, it's the only thing motivating her to keep trying, keep pushing him to make it.

At this point, it's wasn't about her, it really never was.

It was originally for Luna.

It was a poor attempt to keep the bully's to leave her alone.

But now it's just to keep him company.

She's terrified that if she isn't near him one day, maybe.. just maybe...

He will crack just like her.

"I love you Taehyung." She blatantly stated, looking straight into his eyes. She's trying for anything, any emotion.


"You don't have to say anything, actually, I don't want you to, just... promise me, no matter what, that you will never leave me, cause right now, I'm loosing you and I'm terrified."

"I can't promise anything, you know that."

"One exception, please."

He looked at her, this time in pity.


She knew what the silence meant, she of course knew. And like a broken record, his voice from 2 years ago repeated,

"Don't blame me if it hurts you in the end... Yurin."

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