Who sercretly likes you <3

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Aries: Kurupika
He admires how you can just say whatever you want and stick to your believes but also how your not beyond reason. He likes how open you are.

Taurus: Leorio
Your stubborn and determined. Your also extremely loyal

Gemini: Killua
Your adorable uwu

Cancer: Kurupika
Your responsible and kind. A perfect match for him UwU. Your his gravity.

Leo: Alluka
She admires your bravery and how prepared you are to take charge and lead.

Virgo: Leorio
He thinks your special uwu

Libra: mereum (the king)
He likes how innocent and friendly but not naive you are. Your kind but you can read people and know when to trust them and when not to.

Scorpio: Melody
She loves how your unbreakable.

Sagittarius: Pitou
They love how in tune you are to emotions. Your not afraid to encourage others and yourself to be yourself. Your bold and silly and she has a soft spot.

Capricorn: killua
He likes how open and kind and smart you are. He views you as trust worthy and knows you wouldn't lie to him

Aquarius: Alluka
She loves how you don't stop trying to protect your loved one. She loves how responsible and nice you are too.

Pisces: Gon
He likes how accepting and kind you are. Your also very smart and sympathetic

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