Your power stat's in hxh

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So it'll be on a scale from 1-12

Aries = 6.7

You're an amazing fighter parallel to Hanzo or killua, but you struggle with nen, for you it's power is never consistent it can go from very weak and almost nothing to extremely explosive and uncontrollable. So you refuse to use it because it's a liability and it put's your friends in danger. Which is the smartest move.  You do work really hard though at perfecting it though, whenever your alone you always practice.

Taurus = 7

Your pretty strong, you put a lot of effort into training and don't give up easily. You stubbornness paid off. Despite how strong you are sometimes you can be a bit cowardly and end up second guessing yourself. You have a habit of getting in your head sometimes. If you take a moment to breath and calm down every once in a while though everything will be okay.

Gemini = 8.7

Your just like Taurus, your kind but surprisingly smart and cunning, altogether I'd say your ability may be a 6.5 or 7. But you think things through and come up with strategy's that give you advantages over your opponents. You work very hard to get what you want and have good  and strict morals that keep you focused. Your only problem is that you get really frustrated when you do something wrong. You have a habit to put to much pressure on yourself. 

Cancer = 9.2

You're exactly like Gemini, expect your probably stronger, you still take time to think things through though as well but you also have habits of putting yourself down. You've adopted your friends around you as your new family and you take responsibility for them and because of that whenever you can't help you tend to feel down.

Leo = 7.5

Your really strong, you've always been really powerful so you've never had to think or try to win battles. You rely on gut instinct and that's usually enough to get a battle over with fast. You tend to not like hurting people unless you have too.

Virgo = 8. 5

Just like Gemini and Cancer you strategy is your greatest weapon, but like Leo you dislike hurting people. You often hold back because you empathize and you never through the first blow. 

pt. 2 coming later and i'll get back to you guy about the cult name soon i promise (:

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