Power stats pt 2 :O

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Libra: 6.7
You don't battle often, and you primarily stick to brains instead of brawn. You're usually able to call an opponents bluff or outwit them, but your not very physically strong.

Scorpio: 9
Idk what to say lol.
Nen definitely came easily to you, your a natural in most things despite your low self esteem. You also are one of the more stubborn zodiacs. Of course you know how to pick your battles, but when you do you go all out.

Sagittarius: 9.7
You don't like to flaunt your power causing you to lie in the shadows of some of the other zodiacs, but that's okay with you cause you value the element of surprise as a great asset.

Capricorn: 8.2
Your a really good nen user and a very natural fighter. Like Scorpio a lot of things come natural to you and your much more talented than you perceive yourself. However your also very merciful and don't like to fight causing you to hesitate.

Aquarius: 8.8
Your a lot like Capricorn expect your less merciful, once people challenge you and establish the rules they can't back out. Of course your not violent, but anyone who tries to warps a fight to their advantage and then backs out when their about to lose is a coward in your eyes.

Pieces: 10
Surprising you took the hunter exam to heart, you know you would have failed without your friends so you got your shit together and levelled up. Before the hunters exam you were maybe a 5 but you've learned a lot and carried every single lesson with you.

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