•Chapter 0• [The Bridge Crew]

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Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation: The United Federation of Planets—Starfleet

Occupation: Captain of  the USS Avalon

Height: 180 centimetres

Weight: 80 kilograms

Personality: Usually appears as a focused and stoic individual, but in reality, he's a relaxed guy usually bored out of his mind. The moment he set a foot on his ship he installed at least 250 different songs from all kinds of music genres for entertainment purposes, Sabotage—Beastie Boys being his favourite. Y/N despises stealth missions, with a ship as flashy as his it's not exactly easy to stay off-radar. Y/N is not big on politics but he's a good talker able to talk himself out of sticky situations. 

About: Y/N is one of the first members of the Starfleet to ever be aboard and command a vessel with H.S.M.S. The training and the surgical necessities lasted two years before he was put into commission. He excels at adaptive and quick thinking in the midst of battle and possesses great intuition. As of this moment, he is also the youngest captain in Starfleet. The H.S.M.S. is a technological breakthrough in both Starship designing and human potential. H.S.M.S. links the mind of a captain with the ship itself, extending the captain's range of senses to the point the ship can be controlled by mere thought as if it was captain's second body. The brain of the captain is augmented with the H.S.M.S. while the ship only receives computer tweaking. H.S.M.S. as of this moment cannot be undone without risking potential paralysation or even death of the subject due to brain damage. A holographic projection screen is built into Y/N's uniform in case he requires to control the ship from outside.

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