Bright Lights and Murder.

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The portal opened in a flash of brilliant white light. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at it. Cars slowed to a stop, floating centimeters above the ground. Slowly, some people approached. The closest person reached out and touched the portal, and in a brilliant flash of bright white light he was gone, and so was the portal. Cars slammed to the ground, as if gravity had been re-established. Then as one, everybody screamed.

The Future.

He turned his head to look around his surroundings. He stared at the buildings and gasped, they were miles high, reaching up through the clouds. Cars floated around near the tops of the buildings. This place was amazing, like something out of a dream. He definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. The lowest windows in the building nearest to him shattered and a man stepped out into the waning light. The man drew in a deep sharp breath. The person standing in front of him was an exact replica of... Himself.

"Who the hell..." The man began, but his doppelganger just glared and shoved past him.

The younger man stared in horror at himself, noticing the garish metallic arm that was attached to the double.

There was another brilliant white flash and a portal flared into being behind his doppelganger. Then in a flash of brilliant white light the man was gone, leaving the newcomer all by himself in a strange new world.

The Present.

There was an eruption of screams when the next portal appeared and the man with the metallic arm stepped out into his new world. An evil glint passed through the stranger's eyes and he glared about him with a self-satisfied smile.

"This is going to be fun. A whole new world at my fingertips. And I, Jack Jackson, shall be the reaper."

He grabbed a young woman by the hair and pulled her close to him.

"If you wish to survive me then you had best follow me! You shall be my army."

Nobody dared to reply and the stranger let out a guttural growl.

"Then you shall feel my wrath."

He gripped the young woman's throat and crushed her wind pipe, then proceeded to rip out her throat. He dropped the woman's limp body at his feet and stepped over her.

"Then you shall all die."

The Future.

A police car dropped out the sky and slowed down to a crawl besides the astounded newcomer.

"Mister Jack Jackson. Do not move a muscle." A man called out of the car.

Jack stopped short and turned to face the speaker who was behind some darkly tinted glass.

"Get in the back."

Jack obliged and jumped in the back of the cop car.

"Where are..." He never got to finish his sentence before a cop struck him, knocking him unconscious.

Jack opened his eyes a mere three hours later and stared around his accommodations. He was in a dark, dank and purely horrifying room. A light flickered on above his head and washed the room in a ghostly grey glow which made him shiver. He was screwed...

The evil Jack Jackson surveyed the carnage that he had created and laughed an evil hellish laugh. He stared down at the fallen bodies of the people who had stood in his way. All those innocents that had died for no apparent reason except to satisfy his insane needs, it was delicious.

A squad of police approached him and he grinned at them. A devilishly demented grin.

"You're next!" he muttered through his evil smile "I'm going to enjoy this!"

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