Evil is in the eye of the beholder.

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The report of the gun was horrendous. It rang out down the halls of the campus. Somewhere, a man screamed. Jack snapped to attention and bolted up from his seat in the Dean's office. His hand went to his side and withdrew the police issue gun that he never left home without, even off duty.

He lifted it in front of him and headed for the door. A flood of students came down the hall, running into one another and screaming to boot.

Jack barely squeezed out of the door without being trampled by the stampede. But still he managed. When he got out he couldn't believe his eyes... down the end of the hall was the very man who gave him nightmares... the very man who had sent him to the sky jail... it was the Evil Jack.

Jack headed towards him and ducked behind a set of lockers. He was ready for this fight... a fight that one of the Jacks was not going to return from.

Evil Jack.

He saw his target down the end of the hall; he liked to think of him, not as the mirror image of himself, but as the unbelievably annoying good guy. And he was standing at the end of the hall staring!

Evil energy flowed through him as he threw students aside on his way to his 'GOOD HALF'.

Someone thudded into his side, making him drop his gun. He turned on the young man who had knocked him around and grasped him by the throat, squeezing with all his inhuman strength. The young mans throat caved in and he went limp in Evil Jacks grasp. He cast the body aside and retrieved his gun.

Good Jack.

Jack knew what he had to do, that he had to get this psycho away from all the students. He withdrew into the dean's office and went to the window. With on swift motion he shattered the glass in the frame and proceeded to climb out.

Behind him the door slammed and he slowly turned from his position on the window.

"So Jack, It's been a while since last that we met, and I thought that you were in my original dimension in the jail that I was supposed to be in. How'd you get back without my help?"

Jack stared; his own eyes stared back at him, no not his own eyes. The eyes that stared back at him had a different air about them; they had an evil glint to them.

"What do you mean without your help?"

"My profession is the portals, and I got to say I'm rather disappointed that you still haven't started the research that I did at your age... well you can't win them all I guess."

Jack jumped from the windowsill and dived at his counter part. Both their weapons flew across the room. Jack threw the first punch, a rather solid one, which evil Jack replied by elbowing him in the head with his metal arm. Jack stumbled back and was sure that this was the end when a gunshot rang out in the room.

Jack was surprised by the absence of any pain, and he had been shot before and it was anything but painless.

He opened his eyes and looked around the room, Evil Jack was lying on the floor, a bullet wound to the back of his head and standing just a few feet behind the body was Mark.


Jack stood outside the Dean's office with Mark and watched his daughter.

"Thanks Mark. If you hadn't got here when you did I think it might have turned out a little different."

Mark scratched his head and nodded.

"If the Dean hadn't called me your version would have been!" he exclaimed and Jack grunted.

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