Jack on the run.

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1 Month Later. October 14 2001.

He was on the run for he had killed. Now he had the title of murderer and it did not shame him, it made him proud. Jack had no clue where he was headed or why he was headed there, all he knew was that it felt good to kill all those police officers, shot after shot had been fired until everyone in the building was dead.

It felt like a fire was pulsing through his veins and he laughed. That night that he had killed the drug dealer Damien had been the first nail in his coffin, then Julia had been killed and he had had enough. He had faked his own death just to get his own back on the bastards who had taken so much from him.

He laughed again and ran down an alley besides a hospital. Jack was back.

Tamika was having a ball; she hadn't had this much fun in a long time. Ever since she was shot her personal life had pretty much been non-existent. She kissed James and sat up in the lush bed. She swung her lags over the edge of the bed and got to her feet. There was a knock on the door and James rolled off the bed and hide beside it. He peered over the edge and glanced fearfully at the door.

"Who c... could that be?" He asked stuttering only a little.

"Why so scared James?" Tamika asked trying not to laugh at the sight before her. "It's probably only Uncle Mark, it is his apartment after all."

James visibly relaxed and a smile broke out on Tamika's beautiful features. The person knocked again.

"Well... are you going to answer that then?"

Tamika feigned annoyance and almost ran to the door. She threw it open and threw her hands around the man standing there.

"Uncle Mark."

Mark Adams had been away on business for the police, they were trying to track down Jack. Mark had only recently been released from prison and his crimes, which he didn't commit, admonished.

Mark kissed her on the cheek and sat in a Wicca chair by the door, when he noticed Tamika's barely dressed form in the doorway he raised an eyebrow and coughed. Tamika looked at him a puzzled look on her face.


Mark coughed again and waved a hand at her near naked figure.

"Are all your clothes in the wash or something Tamika?"

Tamika's face turned a shade of red and she looked away.

Mark seemed to put two and two together and he nodded.

"Or do we have a visitor?" Mark finished, "JAMES!"

The young man appeared in the doorway to the bedroom and waved to Mark. Mark rose from the chair and approached James who shifted uncomfortably as Mark got closer.

He jumped when Mark whispered in his ear before nodding and entering the bedroom, a minute later he came back into the hall, kissed Tamika and left the apartment.

Again a puzzled expression crossed Tamika's face.

"Tam, I love you like a daughter." Mark said with an air of importance, "And I don't mind you..." He seemed to think hard about what to say, "...Frolicking around with guys, after all it is your life, but NOT in my bed."

Tamika nodded and leaned on the wall. Mark got to his feet and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm going for a shower."

Tamika moved aside for him to pass and as she did she noticed a flash of brilliant white light coming from the kitchen. Mark noticed it as well.

"Tam... Stay back."

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