The real world.

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Jack lay down on the uncomfortable bed in his cell. He still didn't know how he had gotten into this mess. A guard approached his cell and looked in.

"Eh Jackson, give us your hand."

Jack didn't even look at the guard let alone give his hand to the man. The guard growled and opened the door. As he entered the room he unclipped a shock stick from its holster on his side and advanced on Jack.

Jack shifted uncomfortably as the guard drew closer, even though he wasn't particularly fit he still moved fast.

He jumped up and swung at the guard who crumpled under the blow of Jacks fist, and lay on the floor unconscious.

Jack gathered up the guard's shock stick and stripped him down; taking all but the hat the guard had been wearing, and changed.

He left the guard unconscious and locked him in the cell. People were shouting to Jack as he passed their cells but he knew better than to let any of them out. Most were murderers and rapists and that was one bunch that Jack didn't want to associate with.

He ran past all the inmates and rushed for the exit. Behind him he could hear 'Boos' and other, more insulting, words coming from the inmates, and some idle threats.

Jack ran for all he was worth, he ran down hall after hall, passed door after door until he came to the 'EXIT'. He threw open the door and rushed out and... Fell! His hands grabbed the door handle and he swung out over nothing, just an empty expanse, the only thing he could see was the top of some tall buildings far below.

He looked back at the prison. It was floating in the air! Jack was hanging miles over Los Angeles.

The door creaked with the pressure of holding a full grown adult and a screw fell past Jacks head.

He swung his legs towards the doorway and the door groaned with the exertion, but still slowly moved. Jack grabbed the opening and pulled himself back inside.

His heart was racing and his adrenaline had skyrocketed.

Jack was just about to move when he heard a whirring behind him. He turned to see a Police car floating outside the doorway. He quickly jumped out of view and prayed that the cops in the car hadn't seen him. Moments later a shock stick entered followed closely by the policeman who was in control.

Jack acted swiftly. With his shock stick he zapped the policeman in the crook of his neck.

The man fell hard to the floor, a dribble of blood coming out of his nose. Jack dragged the man into the darkness and stuck his head out of the door and looked around. The cop car was still there, the driver oblivious to Jack climbing onto the roof.

The radio crackled and the man answered.

"Trackowski here."

That was all the distraction that Jack needed. He flung open the door and wrenched the man out. Trackowski swung in Jacks grip and screamed. His shirt began to tear and before Jack could swing the man to safety, he fell. Jack stared after the descending man and winced when he hit the top of the buildings. After a few seconds Jack looked back up.

He swung in through the window of the car and sat himself in the driver's seat. The cars controls were foreign to Jack and he screamed with frustration and hit the controls.

The car whirred to life and sped off with a very confused Jack behind the controls. Then out of the clouds appeared another cell block.

"Oh damn."

Jack muttered to no one in particular. He grabbed the steering wheel and wrenched it to the right. The car turned a fraction to late and Jacks side was crushed into the wall. The car went into free fall and Jack groaned. There was a cut on his head that was spilling a fair amount of blood.

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