True love

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You leaned in to kiss him and he kissed you back. This time it wasn't a small peck on the cheek like earlier today but THIS kiss is the opposite of that. Once you both pulled away Hui smiled bigger than ever "So does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" he laughed while joking around but you took it sort of seriously and nodded which made him smile even more.

Clapping in the distance was present and you both turned around to see HyunA and E'dawn "This is sweet and all but we have to go. Like, now." HyunA reminded you both and you all bolted out of the zoo. Hui held Sully's lead and found that fossas much faster than humans as he practically got dragged along by Sully.

You all hopped into the car and Hui drove. You and HyunA sat in the back with TT and Sully. Sully kept trying to play with TT but TT kept hissing, hitting and trying to scratch him which is odd because you'd think it would be the other way around "I can't wait to see how LaLa reacts!" come to think of it... "Where is LaLa?" HyunA and E'dawn looked at each other as if they both saw a ghost "She was with us when we left." then E'dawn tried to make the situation better "She's probably In the boot"

At home

5 of you sat in the living room while TT slept on the couch. Hui usually doesn't care what LaLa does but he's obviously been emotionally effected by her disappearance. You all sat on the couch pondering about how she could've got lost suspiciously. You all thought for around an hour until HyunA fell asleep which is when E'dawn decided it was time for him and her to go to bed leaving just you, Hui and Sully to think about it.

When it was time for to go to sleep you brushed TT's teeth and picked her up, bringing her into bed a hugging her. Hui stayed in the bathroom while running the tap rather loudly.

"Do you miss LaLa, TT?" you asked even though you know she won't respond since cats don't just start looking at you while smiling and talking to you with a posh sounding English accent, that's a load of nonsense. 

TT as expected didn't reply and just started purring while snuggling up right next to you. You reached for the bedside light and turned it off. Something then jumped on to the bed but sort of lightly like LaLa would do "Hui, don't do that, you've already done it beseven now." Hui didn't reply. The sound of the bathroom door being unlocked echoed through the hallway and Hui showed up at the doorframe which was only lit up by the hall light "Don't do what?" He asked. If he's there then what's on the bed? You started to freak out because you were sure you felt something jump onto the bed "Huiiii. Come here, I'm scared."

He laughed at you then hopped into bed. "If you're scared you should've turned on the light, right TT?" He looked towards the bottom of the bed and patted a spot in between him and TT "Hui what are you doing? TT's here and LaLa went missing, remember?" something started to shift at the bottom of the bed, making its way up into the spot that Hui patted but you couldn't see what it was since the bedroom light was off and Hui turned the hall light off. "Hui... What just moved on the bed?" he didn't reply, he just started breathing loudly in the same way he does when he's asleep meaning that he's probably already long gone.

You petted TT and she did nothing. You lightly hit Hui and he didn't react so you whispered "Why is no one doing anything...?" Another thing started to purr but this one definitely was not a cat "Stop fooling around Hui, I know it's you." you tried to hit Hui again but instead hit something else. You brushed your hand against the thing you previously hit and felt that it was fur but not any cats fur, this fur is too short. "Sully?" You felt the things ears move up when you said the name, indicating that it was probably Sully "Why are you on the bed? Did you even have a bath?"

Hui started speaking a bit in a croaky voice "He didn't have a bath... I'll change the sheets tomorrow...." he yawned "He can come on the bed if he wants, he's a part of our family too." you petted Sully's head then TT's and tried to fall asleep until Hui said one last thing "Goodni-" he couldn't continue what he was saying and he fell asleep.

You found it a bit hard to sleep because Hui kept talking in his sleep, at one point he started talking about the fact that if you two get married then since you and HyunA are sisters him and E'dawn will be step brothers if E'dawn and HyunA get married. Then he spoke about since LaLa is E'dawn and HyunA's child and TT and Sully are you and his children (even though they're animals) then that makes LaLa TT and Sully's cousin. Also that he's incredibly happy about 'adopting' Sully today when in reality he was stolen.

After about an hour of his sleep talking it finally stopped and you fell asleep. 

You had a nightmare about the police showing up at your apartment. You, Hui, E'dawn and HyunA got arrested and put into cells while they sent Sully back to the zoo to live on his own. TT had to live with a single mother who's child is an absolute nightmare that yanks on her fur and pulls her tail and LaLa was found dead in the middle of the road, most likely hit by a car.

The next morning

Once you got dressed Hui dragged you outside with a sprinkler and explained what he's doing "Sully refused to have a proper bath like the cats do so instead we'll bring him out here and unleash his crazy side. He'll play In the sprinkler and then we'll put cat shampoo on him to clean the dirt off of him and I'll wrap him in a towel and carry him back up to the apartment so that he can't get dirty again. You'll do TT's shampoo, towel and carry her to the apartment since she's lighter but in the meantime we have to just have fun."

A.) Go back inside and watch TV, it's too early to be running around with sprinklers.

B.) Just sit and watch them play but help carry the cat back up In the end.

C.) Actually play with them and have a ton of fun.

A/N I know that its short but I have a feeling this fanfic will only have a few more chapters before it ends. I'm probably going to miss this book a lot when it ends because I had fun writing it honestly. I may or may not make a sequel I'm not sure yet. But the next episode is either going to be tomorrow or Monday.

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