Magenta Magenta -- Chapter 2

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White stripes: Well... I've never really liked exposing my name to the public, is there an alias I can use?

Magenta Magenta: I understand... You may use an alias, My name is Magenta Magenta, You shall refer to me as such, Simply saying Magenta once is fine. What shall I refer to YOU as?

White stripes: Hmm... I guess I can use the alias white stripes! is that fine, Magenta Magenta?

Magenta Magenta: Of course it is, I am not a tyrant.

Magenta Magenta: You are worthy, White stripes, come with me. We shall now do something I refer to as "Travelling without moving".

White stripes: Travelling without moving? what do you mean?

Magenta Magenta: 'Magenta would say something into a phone' Alright planet, I need you to make a tunnel for two people from my current location to the hideout.

???: 'A female voice would respond' As you wish Magenta

 'a GIANT purple tunnel would proceed to appear in front of us'


Magenta Magenta: It's a time tunnel, it can take us anywhere in a matter of seconds, only us two and planet, the one who summoned it, can see it. Now be a good boy and get in.


Magenta Magenta: At least wait til we get there to do that... Oh, we're here. Right, come on white stripes, follow me.

White stripes: O-okay... I need to catch my freaking breath...

 ' The two would walk into a room full of people, There were six in the room overall, one of them was lying on the floor, kicking her legs in the air, one of them was sweeping, two of them were fighting each other, and two were talking to each other.'


'The people in the room would suddenly turn to look, I heard a few reactions, one of them, a girl who was talking to someone, gasped in surprise, another one, a guy dressed in half orange half black scoffed and turned away, another one who was fighting with the guy who scoffed at me, looked excited and finally, the person in all purple talking to the little girl, looked intrigued.'

Magenta Magenta: Pay attention, DON'T dishonor us.

White stripes: ' White stripes would think to himself in his head: "This... is my life now... Fantastic..." '

Magenta Magenta: This is White stripes, he will be joining us today. Make sure he feels welcomed to our group.

???: Magenta, sir, what did I say about hiring puny small fry for the team?

Magenta Magenta: Listen here Killer queen, you do not talk back to me. I am YOUR superior, NOT the other way around, he has powers that seemed to be quite useful and powerful from the result I got, I don't know what it is yet, but we need all the help we can get.

Killer queen: Ugh... fine...

???:  Magenta! Magenta! Does this mean I have another person I can play with and talk to!

Magenta Magenta: 'Magenta would sigh with a smile on his face, although it was on of happiness, instead of interest' Of course it does Heavy Weather, it means Planet can get a break.

Heavy weather: Yay! I'm so excited!!!! You have NO IDEA how excited I am!

???: I think we get some kind of idea, Weather. Please, try not to get ahead of yourself! 'The man who calmed the little girl down, spoke in such a calm tone, it almost soothed MY soul, He was blindfolded, he had purple hair with black tips, and, before Magenta had shouted to all of them, he was the one who was sweeping the floor'

???: You sure do have a way to calm her down, don't you Purple Haze? How do you manage that?

Purple Haze: It's actually not that hard Green day, i'll show you how to do it after the introductions.

Green Day: Thanks dude, you're the best!

White stripes: Well... so far the introductions part might not be necessary, I've heard all but one guys name, and I have heard the name Planet Waves been said about 4 or 3 times already, but it could belong to either of those two

Purple Haze: Oh, let me explain. The one in all purple is Planet Waves, while the one in all black is Enigma. The only reason that I said this is because Enigma is a mute.

White stripes: Ah, I see, so now I know everyone here, all I need to know is what everyone can do, and more importantly... HOW they do it, because maybe that will tell me how I can use my power! hehe!

Killer Queen: Oh HELL no! there is NO way I am revealing my powers to a stranger!

Magenta Magenta: White stripes, You'd best prepare your ears for one of the BIGGEST rants you will EVER hear.

White stripes: Uhh... Okay?

'One rant later'

Killer Queen: And that concludes why I don't show my powers to small fry like him! thank you for listening- Huh? W-where did everybody go?! 

Magenta Magenta: Thank god he closed his eyes, I was beginning to get a migraine... Anyways though white stripes, your first mission is a simple one to start you off with.

White stripes: Oh boy I can't wait!

Magenta Magenta: Take heavy weather out shopping for what she calls her "Basic necessities"

White stripes: wha? okay hold on though, one thing has been bugging me, how old is Heavy Weather?

Magenta Magenta: She's nine

White stripes: oh okay that makes sense- WAIT WHAT?! 

Stripes of potential -- PART 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant