Killer queen -- Chapter 5

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'In the next 3 days before our assigned robbery, we had done almost NOTHING but train, I obviously still had to go into town at night with heavy weather, but other than that, we had been practising different scenarios we might end up in, it was at this moment that I had also learned of Purple Haze's power, it is the RAW DEFINITION of masochism, the more damage he takes, the more damage he deals.'

White stripes: Are. . . Are we done yet. . .

Purple Haze: I'm not so sure, what do you say Magenta?

Magenta Magenta: I'd say you two have done alright, get yourself something to drink and have a quick break, this is a dangerous task that was assigned particularly to you two.

White stripes: Okay thank- Wait what do you mean?

Magenta Magenta: Hm?

White stripes: You said you assigned it particularly to us, but why me? I only just got here after all.

Magenta Magenta: Your power may not have any physical power, but when i read it, it showed very promising signs, so I assigned you to it as a simple excuse to find out WHAT your power was, I was going to hold you off from the mission afterwords, but you may actually be of use here. . .

Purple Haze: Ah, I see. That makes enough sense I suppose

White stripes: Well I guess I can agree. . . How long do we have to wait?

Magenta Magenta: Not too long

Purple Haze: Well that gives us SOME time to have a break, What do you say we go get something to drink?

Magenta Magenta: On any other occasion i would say no because of work, but i'm in the mood

White stripes: I would but i'm underage

Purple Haze: How old are you anyway?

White stripes: Uhh... i'm uh... Sixteen?

Magenta Magenta: Hmm... I guess you'd best stay here then, do what you want to do

White stripes: Okay, you guys enjoy yourselves I guess?

Magenta Magenta: Indeed, bye.

Purple Haze: See ya White!

White stripes: Okay, bye guys!

White stripes: Okay the, what can I do now-

'White stripes had bumped into someone before he could finish, and it was probably the LAST person he wanted to bump into'

Killer queen: So, they let YOU go out on the mission. If you weren't here they would have let ME do it, and I don't want to sound mean but- Actually yes I do intend to be mean but I am sure that I would do a FAR better job than you newbie.

White stripes: Uhh. . . O-okay... Uhh. . . Why are you looking at me like that. . ?

Killer queen: When you were training earlier, they went EASY on you, and never even let me in on training. So i wanna have my own little training round with you.

White stripes: O-oh, uhh well i'd love to but I can't risk getting injured, the mission is in about an hour-

'Killer queen grabbed White stripes by his collar and began to shout directly to his face'


'White stripes says nothing, standing by what he said before Killer queen THREW HIM ACROSS THE ROOM'

White stripes: AGH!

Killer queen: Well then, has your little collision with the WALL changed your mind?

White stripes,: Ugh. . . N-not... in the... slightest. . .

Killer queen: Grrrrr...... Fine, the boss is almost back and so i think you should get up and find a cover up for the crack in the wall, because if you tell anyone about this, I'LL KILL YOU, got that?

White stripes: Yes sir. . .

Killer queen: That is what I thought, run along now, I have work to do.

Stripes of potential -- PART 1Where stories live. Discover now