Chapter 2

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Tawney walked the halls tryign to ignore what everyone was saying about her. I just want it to stop! It hurts to hear all those things! Taweny growled to herself and started walking faster, tryign to not be overwhelmed by all the comments all the hurtful words. She started runnign as she felt the wave of their words hit her. She ran hoping to escape the darkness, but she was consumed. She kept running looking for the small ray of light. Tawney then came out to the school's square. She gasped for air, panting as the darness let go of her. She looked up to the sun welcoming it with open arms.

She walked throught the square, sighing in relief. She then suddenly felt a strange magic force behind her and wiped around to see where it was coming from. She squinted at the figure behind the pillar. Who is that? Or even what is that?  She blinked and the figure was gone. "Weird..", Tawney muttered to herself. She kept walking suddenly remembering her objective. Oh shit what if that was a spy?! GAHH AND I FORGOT TO LOOK FOR SIKO TOO! GAH PETER IS GOING TO HAVE MY HEAD! Tawney then started running through the halls again trying to find Siko. 

She then stopped mid run and looked up. "This aura feels familiar..", Tawney murmered. She then found herself drawn to the aura. Tawney walked up the stairs. She opened the door to the roof where a strange dark purple sphere hovered. Tawney looked at it and her topaz blue eyes fadded to  blood red. She walked towards it as if it was calling her. She extended her hand to grab it when the purple sphered jumped on her and consumed her. Her vision blurred and she passed out.

Where am I? Wasn't I on the roof a second ago? How did i get here? What is that?! Tawney stared at a strange glowing figure. Tawney slowly walked toward it. "Who are you?", Tawney asked cautiously. The figure turned around and smiled. "Hello Tawney, I have waited to meet you for so long." "Who are you and how do you know my name?!", Tawney demanded. "I am you, but not quite yet.", The figure responded with a grin.

 "What do you want from me?", Tawney asked. "Nothing really. All I need is for you to let your gaurd down and let me take over you.", The figure responded. "If you were to let your gaurd down and let me and you come together we would be the most powerful being that has ever existed!", The figure explained as it extended its hand toward Tawney. "What do you say?", the figure cooed with devilish grin. Tawney stared at the figure questioning what to do. She looked up at the figure infront of her, and slapped its hand away. "Never. I will NEVER LET YOU TAKE OVER!", Tawney yelled at it. The figure crossed its arms and scoffed. 

"Stubborn you are. I wanted to do this the easy way, but i guess im going to have to get physical." The figure then launched at Tawney, pinning her down. "GAH! GET OFF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!", Tawney yelled as she faliled helplessly under it. The figurue stared into her eyes and trigered the switch. Her eyes flicked to blood red and she went limp. "Now tell me the person you care for the most~. Who is the person you would jump into danger withought hesitation?" "Siko..", Tanwey responded blankly. The figure grinned and stared into Tawney's eyes. "Ah, I see why~" "He is pretty good looking isn't he~", The figure cooed at her as it morphed into a Siko clone. 

The figure snapped with a grin and Tawney's eyes turned back to normal. "Tawney!", 'Siko' ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. Tawney's eyes widened but she melted int his hug and hugged him back. "Siko, what are you doing here?!", Tawney looked up at him. "I couldn't find you then I fell into this wierd hole.", 'Siko' replied. "I'm so glad your here..", Tawney murmered to him and burried her face into his chest. Siko smirked and put her face towards his. "I coulnt help but overhear what you and that weirdly good looking thing were talking about", 'Siko' said.

"Why don't you just give in and get your full power?" Tawney pulled away and sighed. "It's complicated..", She muttered. "But you can tell me anything~", 'Siko' soothed her. "Just forget it and lets get out of here.", Tawney grabbed his hand and started walking. As they walked 'Siko' kept persisting an answer out of Tawney.

 "GAH!" "CAN'T YOU GIVE IT A REST?!" '"I TOLD YOU ITS COMPLICATED!" "WHY ARE YOU SO PERSISTENT TODAY?!", Tawney snarled at him. 'Siko' then out of nowhere pulled her in and tired to kiss her. Tawney jumped away and slapped him. "WHAT THE HELL SIKO?!", Tawney yelled at him. "YOUR NEVER LIKE THIS!" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?", Tawey demanded. "You aren't Siko..are you.", Tawney hissed silently. 'Siko' stared at her blankly wiht a grin. "ANSWER ME YOU PRICK!", Tawney demanded. 'Siko' then chuckled and put his hands up. "Looks like you caught me", 'Siko' then morphed back into the figure. 

Tawney galred at the thing and opened her hands and a purple glowing spear appeared. Tawney lifted her fingers and aimed the spear at the figure. "Let me out now or i will use this.", Tawney said blankly. The figure laughed and made its own spear. "You think that would scare me?" "I can make a million more of those with twice its power!", It yelled ar her with an extremely wide grin. Tawney swished her fingers and the spear shot towards teh figure hitting its chest. The figure laughed and pulled it out. It then snapped it fingers and made ten more. Tawney's eyes widened. "w-what...h'how isthat possible?", Tawney stammered. "T-the spear take up half my power how can you make more?!, Tawney said in disbelief.

  "You could do this too. All you have to do is accept me and we can be unstopable!", It responded with a smirk. Tawney shook her head and broughth her spear back to her. "Never." "Vey well, it seems like nothign will change your mind, so i will let you go now.", The figure growled. Suddenly  there was a ringing bouning of the walls. "Ah. That must be your soulmate calling.", the figure winked at her. Tawney stared at it in confusion. "Farewell for now young Tawney.", the figure said as it snapped its fingers.

Tawney then opened her eyes and gasped for air. She then became aware of her surroundings and found herself in Siko's arms. "TAWNEY!", Siko gasped and hugged her. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME YOU BITCH!", he hugged her as tears formed in his eyes. Tawney gave a half hearted smile. "Sorry about that..", Tawey muttered to him. "Stupid bitch..stupid bitch!..", he hugged her tightly whispering to her. Suddenly someone cleared their throught in the backround with hushed giggles. Siko then pulled away and patted her on the head, then let her flop onto the floor. 

He covered his face as he walked toward the corner. He put his head against the wall, covering his bright red face with his mask. "Awww that was so cute!", Blossom yiped at him. Peter nudged him. "Bro why didn't you say you were into Tawney?, Peter asked with a grin. "I don't have feelings.", Siko grumbled. "Actions speak louder than words~", Ivy teased. Siko pu his hood over his head. "Go away you pricks.", he hissed at them smacking keeping his gaze on the wall. "We'll talk later~", Peter laughed as he walked over to check on Tawney.


Hello Author here again!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bai Children-

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