Chapter 3

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Tawney opened her eyes. She sat up and stretched while she yawned. Tawney then flopped back into her bed not, not wanting to get up yet. Tawney slowly started to drift back to sleep when she heard knocking suddenly. "Ughhhhhhhh...who the fuck is knocking rn.", Tawney groaned to herself. She walked to the door opening it and leaned against the door frame. "Say what you want then leave.", she said blankly. She opened her eyes to a black haired emerald green eyes boy staring her down. Tawney's eyes widened and she slammed the door shut again. 

"Oh fuck..HE SAW MY MESSY ASS BED HAIR!", She panicked as she put on an over sized marron colored hoodie and putting her hair in a semi high ponytail. She scrambled to put on some jeans and put on a black chocker. She opened the door again to a chuckling Siko. "Hi Siko", Tawney said trying to pretend like nothing happened. "Hey, the others sent me to get you", He said pointing towards the cluster of poeple in the backround.  Tawney coughed trying to make the awkward enviorment ease. "Alright lets go thennn!", Tawney sped of tryign to get away from the awkward tension. Gah your such an idiot! 

 Tawney then got hugged by Blossom and Ivy. Ivy wrapped her arms around Tawney and smiled. She smiled back and looked at Peter. She waved a hello and Moonflower signaled a hello, PEter nodded his hello. Ivy then took her arms off Tawney and grabbed her hands squeazing them between hers and Tawney's. "I have to tell you something really important!", Ivy said as she gave a smile. "what is it?", Tawney questioned. "Come this way~", Ivy pulled Tawney behind her. Tawney giggled as she and Ivy ran hand in hand to the place. 

Siko walked back to the group and saw Ivy and Tawney. His head lowered and his bright happy aura turned dark and dperessing. He put his hands in his pockets. "I'll be back..", he muttered to Peter. He put his hands im his pockets and walked away. He then stopped mid walk and glanced back at Tawney and Ivy. His eyes widened as he felt tears form as he saw Ivy pick Tawney up and spin her around while Tawney leaned close to her face laughing. 

Siko then turned away and left. Tawney and Ivy then came back holding hands. "GUESS WHAT!", Tawney exclaimed. 'What?', Moonflower gestured. "IVY'S MOVING DORMS AND MOVING IN WITH ME!", Tawney exclaimed and snd started bouncing up and down with Ivy. "Wow, thats great!", Blossom expclaimed with a smile. "Thats great.", Peter replied looking back to see is Siko was back yet. 'Good for you guys', Moonflower gestured. Tawney then let go of Ivy's hand and looked around. 

"What happened to Siko?", Tawney asked. "He went to do something really quick", Peter replied. "I'll go find him", Tawney said as she walked away to find him. "Sikoooo. SiKooOoOooOO", Tawney called his name. She was walking toward the parking lot when she felt Siko's aura nearby. "This seems a lot more in pain then when I first saw him", Tawney muttered to herself as she started to run. "What is he is hurt?!", she then gasped to herself as she picked up speed.

 She turned the corner then saw Siko sitting down his head hidden in his arms. "Siko?", Tawney asked concern overwhelming her. "Are you okay? WHat wrong?", Tawney as squated down puting her hand on his arm. He threw her hand off and stood up, not facing her. "Nothings wrong. I'm fine.", he responded blankly. He wiped away the tears from his eyes. "Siko..", Tawney said sadly as she leaned her hand toward him. He wiped around his hood coming off in the process. His emerald green eyes were glowing and the black stripes around his cheeks were more visible now. 

"I SAID I'M FINE!", he yelled as his voice cracked. His eyes glowed brighter as he clenched his fist. "CAN'T YOU UNDERSTADN WHAT I SAY FOR ONCE?!", He said as his teeth clenched together. Tawney stared at him speechless. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off as Siko's fangs enlarged. "I'M SO TIRED OF YOU CHASSING ME GETTING MY HPES UP THEN LEAVING ME!", he croaked out as tears formed. "What do you mean Siko?", Tawney asked. "What do I mean? WHAT DO I MEAN?!", He repeated it as he laughed to himself as he covered his left eye his hand.

 "I MEAN WHY DO YOU SHOW THAT YOU CARE FOR ME THEN YOUR HOSTILE ONCE AGAIN!", he yelled at her as he swished his hands and gust of wind hit Tawney. She was blown away slightly but then balanced herself again. Siko's eyes widened as tears came down his eyes. He grined at her as the tears flowed down his cheeks. The smile fadded as he started trembling. "Tawney..I'm so tired..", he muttered. "I'm so tired of chasing after you..", he muttered. His head lowered as the tear flow grew. "I'M SO TIRED OF YOU RASING MY HOPES THEN SHOWING THat nothing changed..", he whimpered. 

Tawney came clower to him and cuffed his cheek with her hand. He looked up at her leanign into her hand. He then put his hand over hers. "You should leave before I loose control..", he whispered to her. "I believe in can control it..", she responded. He pulled away and stared at her desperately. "Please..I don't want to hurt you again..", he pleaded. "Siko..", she started. "TAWNEY PLEASE!" "I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN KEEP IT INSIDE!", he yelled at her desperately. He put his hands around his head and started panting. "TAWNEY PLEASE!", he yelled as he felt his power consume him. Tawney hesitated, but then ran. She came over to where her friends were. 

"GUYS SIKO LOST CONTROL!", Tawney blurted out panting for air. TAwney then pointed over to where Siko was. "OH FUCK NO HE IS GOING TO DESTROY THE WHOLE SCHOOL!", Peter said throwing off his hat and sweater, running toward where Tawney pointed. Tawney, Ivy, Blossom, and Moonflower all ran after him. Peter's eyes glowed as his power activated. Blossom hands glowed a slight dark green and Ivy had a  baby blue glow going off her body. "MOONFLOWER TELEPORT ME!", Peter, and Blossom said un unison. Moonflower grabbed their hands, closed her eyes and she dropped them down onto the soon to be battle field. Moonflower teleported back and broughh Ivy and Tawney to where Blossom and Peter were.

Moonflower teleported onto a lamp post watching the battle that was going to form from a far. "Siko", Peter said cautiously. Siko's head lifted and looked towards Peter. "Peterrrrrrrrrrr, my boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", Siko said with a smirk. He turned his whole body around and scanned the  people. His eyes landed on Ivy and Tawney next to her. He snarled at Ivy and flew upwards his large black wings opening. He pointed at Ivy "You touched something THAT WASN'T YOURS!", he snarled at her. "NOW YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!", he flew down towards Ivy. 

His emerald green eyes glowing as he picked Ivy up by her throat. Moonflower felt the anger radiating off him. Moonflower whispered a spell to herself then a glowing turqoise bow and arrow apeared infront of her. She focused her gaze on Siko and the magical glowing arrow shot at him. He dodged the arrow with ease and locked gazes with Ivy who was trying to freeze his arm. His anger flared in his eyes. He through Ivy into the wall and sht right after her. "Well shit it started.", Peter said blankly. He locked gaze with Moonflower and she nodded. She snaped her fingers and teleported Peter over to where Siko and Ivy were.

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