Chapter 5

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Suddenly a being shot out of the ice and tackled Siko onto the ground. Ivy pinned his wings down and had him pressed aginst the ground. "IVY YOUR ALIVE!", Tawney said with a bright relieved smile. Ivy nodded and stared at her lovingly. "I could never leave you", Ivy smiled. Tawney blushed and looked away. Suddenly Moonflower, Blossom and Peter had been telported to where Tawney, Ivy and Siko were. "Sorr taht were late to the party", Peter grined.

"Aww we missed all the action", Blossom pouted. "I wanted to show you guys that I can be a powerful fighter!", she chirped. Peter chuckled "your too innocent to even harm a fly", he said rubbing the top of her hair. She glared at him and went into's Moonflower's arms. "You think i can be a powerful fighter, right?", Blossom asked looking up at her. Moonflower's cheek grew a light shade of pink and nodded. 'SEE MOONFLOWER THINKS SO!", she said growling at Peter. Blossom wrapped Moonflowrs arms around her and stuck her tounge out at Peter.

"Looks like you took Siko down.", Peter remarked. He looked down at him. Siko licked his lips and winked at Peter. Peter had a flashback of what happened before he passed out. He coughed covering up the blush that had apeard with his hand. "Get Tawney out of that ice before she gets hypothermia", Ivy told him. Peter nodded and broked the ice. Tawney came out of the ice shivering. "GAH THANK YOU! IT WAS SO COLD!", Tawney said while curling up into a ball. "Let me take a look at him", Blossom said for Moonflower.

Mooflower took Blossom's hand and instructed her silently. Blossom placed her hand around his temples. She closed her eyes concentrating as Moonlfower put her hadns over Blossom's and muttered a spell. A turqouise light impaled Siko's head. Siko snapped at Moonflower before his eyes rolled back and feel unconcious. 

Siko's world was pitch black, but he could still hear what was happening around him. 

Apologies for the short chapter and inconsistent updates. This chapter was started a year ago and I've just come back to it. I'm currently seeing where to go with this story, I've lost all idea of where it was going. The plot was messy and I was just making things up as I went. For now this and other stories are on a hiatus to see where they are going cause like this story i had a definite ending and beginning but didn't know what to put in as the middle. Again apologies for the inconvenience. 

- Author, Kat

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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