Sunday Morning Coming Down - Van

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It was the heavy rain on the window panes which woke her from her slumber, the blinds had been left open last night as they had both got in pretty late after a night in the pub with the band. She let her eyes flutter shut again and listened to the tapping on the glass outside due to the weather, with a deep sigh she breathed in the fresh smell of the sheets and lay content in bed. Van stirred from beside her and moved closer to her his arm tightening across her waist as he shifted before falling still once more, his soft snores making her smile gently whilst listening to his breaths. It was difficult to tell the time from looking out the window as the darkness of the sky prevented her from being able to work it out, but judging by the fact Van was still not awake it must've been early.

While he may have been snoozing away next to her currently he wasn't much of a sleeper, he only really got the rest he needed and then he was up and about, whether it be writing or singing or something as basic as playing fifa with Larry he was always doing something, one of the things she loved about him was that he could make the most basic tasks look exciting. She shifted as quietly as she could so that she could watch him as he lay in peace. His hair messy and unkept even more than usual spread across her pillow that he was hogging. She giggled assuming that in the night he must've rolled over and edged his way onto her side of the bed, something which he often did but she never minded. The faint scent of his infamous lambert and butler cigarettes clung to him which gave the familiar smell which invaded her senses, everything about him taking over her thoughts.

Van shifted once more his hair falling in front of his face and obscuring her view, instinctively she reached out and gently brushed the hair out of his face trying carefully not to wake him up. She retracted her hand and smiled once more her eyes taking in the sight of him. His beautiful long eyelashes which everyone who ever met him would comment on, the slope of his button nose which was pointy yet round and oddly adorable, the sharpness of his jaw when you looked from certain angles, the way his Adam's apple would pop when he got worked up or jealous, everything about him was perfect in her eyes. Her attention was drawn to his hair which she couldn't help but play with despite not wanting to wake him up yet, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep, yet his hair was just so pretty that she couldn't resist to touch it.

When he sighed quietly she drew her hand back worried that she was bothering him, "mhm babe keep doing that," he groaned in his morning voice which was both honey and grit simultaneously. His eyes were still shut firmly but the smile which formed on his face told her that he had been awake for sometime. She giggled softly and obliged reaching out and playing with his hair once more, massaging his scalp lightly she smiled as he leaned into her hand clearly enjoying the attention he was getting. After some time his eyes finally fluttered open and his blue irises fixed their stare on her, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze she stopped for a moment pulling her hand back and furrowing her brows silently asking what he was doing. He grinned biting his lip gently and sat up against the headboard "admiring the view love," he spoke his voice still deep and full of sleep.

She felt her cheeks blush when he said that making him giggle too, his hand reached down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "am i not getting a good morning kiss then?" He pouted toying with her cheekily, she moved forward quickly letting him pull her into his arms properly allowing her to sit on his lap, her thighs either side of his. She placed a chaste kiss on his lips slowly pulling away revelling in the feeling of his hands securing around her waist, "I love you angel" he spoke affectionately kissing all over her face making her laugh as he did so.

"I love you too."

Mornings like this were few and far between with his job, however when they did get them they were so worth it even if it was only a couple of times a year.

Van was home on a break for two weeks and then they were both flying out for the second leg of his tour, the band were arranged to play all over the United States in their biggest US tour yet, but until then they had two weeks to themselves filled with mornings like these. Where they didn't have to be anywhere except together. This week they had barely left their house Van had played music for her, they had watched movies, they had cooked together and overall they had just enjoyed being around each other and the privacy that came with it.

"breakfast in bed?" Van spoke up offering what was on both of their minds, she grinned and nodded eagerly thinking about another day they could spent together. Sliding off his lap she lay down again watching him as he stretched and stood up only in his boxers, he turned to look at her, however she had since close her eyes listening out for him making his way around their small flat.

"Yous are fucking gorgeous y/n" he murmured gaining her attention, she looked up to see him leaning against the wall and watching her, his phone in hand posed ready to take a photo.

"Whats that for?" she asked sitting up feeling the blush reappear on her cheeks again.

"the wank bank," he teased with a wink, dodging the pillow she launched at him while laughing, her cheeks turned a shade of red listening to his steps fade away as he retreated into the kitchen.

Catfish and the Bottlemen || Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora