𝖛𝖎. Femme Fatale

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✧⁺❀ C h a p t e r s i x . . .

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Having temporarily severed the connection between her vortex manipulator and the Death Star (to prevent further calls demanding why she was not in the midst of her return voyage), Zara cautiously made her way to docking bay 94. She had haggled with a squat Tatooinian elder, who had agreed to exchange her a pale, cream, hooded cloak in return for her glittering Corusca gem earrings. They were priceless, although Zara would argue that the price of safety she received for them was more than fair. Although, at this point, the Empire should have no reason to sense her deception in completing the mission regardless, she was nevertheless terrified that the stormtroopers would be on the lookout for her. This meant that traditional dress which allowed her to blend in with the locals and escape identification was crucial.

Rounding a corner of a faded, pourstone building, in her periphery, Zara caught sight of a blackened silhouette. Attempting to look at the figure without physically turning, she saw the humanoid wore a black cloak, which enveloped its whole body and a darkened mask and goggles which obscured its face. Garindan.

Working in espionage herself, she knew the Kubaz well, as he often sold information to the Empire. As she walked, she could tangibly feel the weight of his eyes on her back. Had he recognised her the way she had him? Had he been sent to follow her? Even capture her? Pulling her hood further over her face and resting her right hand on the concealed blaster at her waist, she quickened her pace and disappeared around a bend.

After following the walkway further, taking many more twists and turns through the labyrinth of Mos Eisley homes and structures, she arrived at the bay Han had disclosed. Ever wary, she approached silently, as though walking over the feather-soft snow of Hoth, rather than the rustling sands of Tatooine. Zara had been ready to enter the resting location of the saucer-shaped spacecraft, eager to board the ship and depart as quickly as possible, but when she saw what lay before her, she hesitated, sagely remaining hidden in the shadowy entrance of the docking bay.

Forming a crescent moon around the Millennium Falcon, loomed a combination of humans and aliens - bounty hunters, assassins, the scum of all scum. A savage repertoire of weapons had been distributed between the dangerous, motley group, alerting Zara and causing her to reach for her own, in case the situation demanded it. Could it be possible that Kaz had sensed her disloyalty and had sent the group after her, so soon? Or was Vader aware of her treasonous dreams?

Edging forwards slightly for a better view, Zara saw the ugly, green, gluttonous mass of fat and suet, who she instantly recognised to be Jabba the Hutt. The infamous gangster's notoriety almost paralleled hers, although while the enigma of the White Death remained to most a faceless mystery, the hideous creature that was Jabba was unmistakeable. He moved towards the Falcon, shouting in Huttese, "Solo! Come out of there, Solo!"

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