#21 Most annoying fandom list!

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Heyyy readers!

So I found this list online with the 10 most annoying fandoms! 0-0 right.... let's take a look at that!!! ;D *WARNING* this chapter may contain insults to you and your fandom, just keep reading please I don´t mean to offend you! except twihards, I do want to offend you! XD heheheh also this chapter may contain some swearing XD heheheh SORRY XD


I quote here there parts about it:

10. Sherlockians/Supernatural

It’s not surprising that fans of Sherlock have cropped up in such large numbers, the show is a masterpiece of the medium. It is kinda odd that so few of them have extended this interest to reading the original stories, but that’s another issue. What gets annoying about this group is their fascination with Holmes and Watson being romantically involved. This gets used as a joke in the show on a few occasions, so they’re not breaking new ground with this concept – just driving it into the ground on tumblr. So many, many gifs…

Worse still are the Supernatural fans who have recently decided that the two main characters should hook up. Last time I checked they were brothers, right?

I actually agree with them about the ships like Johnlock, NO OFFENCE! I mean when you don't ship it you get it constantly rubbed into your nose, like recently I was innocently checking insta and I came across a picture of Johnlock smut.. like naked smut... I died because I can't take that.. I cannot look at that without feeling sick for an hour... If you disagree on this point, don't stop reading, just comment what you think! I do ship Johnlock as a BROMANCE! Nothing more... No dirty Johnlock smut for me, thank you! But after this all we Sherlockians aren't the worst fandom! I mean apart from the Johnlock thing we *eye twitches and yells*  ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL!!! heheh XD or not....

About Supernatural, yeah they might be strange and I don't understand the ships because that means I'll have to watch aaaaaaallll the episodes... No offence but I don't have time to do that all... I am busy with my own supernatural things like tarot heheh ;D

9. Twihards

Twilight fans share a similar trait with Star Wars fans in that they’ll blindly defend any crap that gets slapped with the Twilight label regardless of quality. The books, let’s face it, aren’t the travesty of fiction that people claim they are. The movies, however, are pure craptastic woeful disasters.

There’s no reason they couldn’t have worked but the studios were in such a hurry to capitalise on the fad that they pushed ahead with the productions at the detriment of quality. In order to prove themselves ‘true’ fans, Twihards will flat out refuse to acknowledge any fault, going out of their way to make excuses on its behalf.

Just as annoying are the Twilight haters. The first complaint they ALWAYS bring up is that sunlight doesn’t kill Edward because “like, if they’d read a PROPER vampire novel like Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ they’d totally know that the sun makes vampires burst into flames”. News flash, dumbasses: if you’d actually read ‘Dracula’ you’d know that the sun doesn’t kill him either – merely weakens his powers. So read a book.

YEAH right... let's face it, Twihards are ANNOYING AS HELLLLLL The Twilight movies are 'okay' to watch with your sister or friends for fun, that's how I watched them all, but it gets worse and worse and Bella is such a spastic(in a wrong way) insecure bitch that I just want to hit her all along. She´s giving both boys soooo many false hope, it´s horrible.... But yeah it´s fun to make fun of the fandom and the movies XD hahaha About the haters, I don´t really give a fuck... XD

8 – Japanaphiles

Guess what, white people? It’s OK to like things that originate in cultures different from your own. In this day and age it’s actually normal behaviour. I totally ate Italian food last night. I am not, however, dressing in clothes with Italian writing on it, gelling and dying my hair to look like an Italian cartoon character, nor am I generally aping a culture I have little connection with in the manner that a parrot mimics speech without know the meaning of the words.

Yes, you want people to think of you as ‘quirky’ or ‘weird’ or a ‘paedophile’, but you could try and do something unique instead of plastering yourself with another culture’s stereotype like one would plaster their school binder with stickers. This behaviour is at worst offensive to the people of Japan and at best makes you look like a fat, badly dressed pasty white person with no self awareness. Either way, you should stop doing it.

I have no idea... No clue what this fandom is about, but I don´t really care! For those who has heard of them I´ve put this in this chapter, comment if you know more about it!

7. Comic Book Accuracy Police

Me, I love comics. And I love a good comic book movie. And if the film-makers feel that the movie would be improved by making some alterations to the story and characters, that’s also fine. I totally agree with that part :D heheh XD alright, let´s read more XD

But there are some people out there for whom this isn’t fine. In fact, this is nothing short of sacrilege. (It’s also a way for them to spout off about their impressive knowledge on comic books – and they have to live with that, so let’s not give them a hard time.) Sometimes these people just need to chill their grills and accept that these changes need to be made.

Complaining that Galacticus was a space cloud in Fantastic Four 2 instead of a giant man in a purple helmet makes you look like a twat. Picking out details from Wolverine concerning his frequently rewritten back story also makes you look like a nonce. Why? Because these movies are bloody awful in their own right.

Yeah..... I agree! But some people feel offended by these changes, of course that does not give them any right to be such a show off and keep complaining about it!

6. Slash Writers

Yeah, yeah, I know…Rule #34, no exceptions…that doesn’t mean that I can’t comment on them for being weird. Not that everyone who writes erotic fiction featuring established characters is an oddball, but there are some really off putting stuff (examples will follow). Those unfamiliar with the term: Slash Fiction is an off-shoot from fan fiction, except with the focus on sexual exploits, usually homosexual in variety. And for some demented reason this trend has really taken hold in the Harry Potter fan base.

I don’t know what kind of person looks at the on screen rivalry between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy and decides to write a series of novels about them getting down and dirty with each other, complete with photoshopped images to go with it, but I’m pretty sure that kind of person can be classed as a deviant. These are people who felt that Capt. Picard should shag Elrond. Fred and George Weasly are well suited to a threesome with a member of N*Sync. Indiana Jones hopping in the sack with Lord Voldemort. These stories are all real example.

There can be something funny about some of the scenarios dreamt up by these writers (Edward and Jacob was a given), but the massive amount of time, effort and dedication people have thrown into these demented, badly spelt paragraph free fantasies is mind-boggling.

Okay, I agree with him like YESH but, my dear readers, if you are a slash writer, GO AHEAD! Do whatever you want, write whatever you want to write, if you don´t like to read that sort of things, DON´T READ IT! And I admit I am one of the persons that wouldn´t like to read it, but I also find it quite funny to read what other people fantasize about! XD So, if you write slash, go ahead, comment your story and I will try to read it XD and if you are brave to do this I will give you a shoutout in this story, because you are brave enough to write your thoughts! :D RESPECT TO THOSE WITH DIRTY MINDS XD HEHEHEH I never thought I would say that since I am still a Hunter Of Artemis and all, but let´s say Loki has changed me...  A LOT XD


Wait I better make this 2 chapters! The last 5 are in part 2!! BYE!!

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