Past to present

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Alterra POV
I woke up. I moved and I hear the clanking of chains. 'Oh no, where am I'? I thought. "Look at that you're scared"! A voice states. I get terrified and back away as best I can. "Oh no you don't"!  The voice growls. I hear a chain get picked up then I feel a sharp pull. I whimper and start crying, one thought entering my mind. 'I want Mum and Dad'. I try to pull away and find I'm unable. I begin struggling. "Ooh, a fighter. It'll be fun breaking you". Suddenly I hear my dad's voice. "I wandered alone through the forest one night led by a music strange to hear and followed the glow of a shimmering light that seemed to grow distant as I grew near"... As he continues to sing my thoughts relax. "Oh, now it'nt that sweet! The monster does have a heart"! "Get. Out". My father whispers. "Oh, am I not welcome"? Anderson asks. "Listen here you bastard priest, wake up my daughter and I'm going to kick your ass all the way back to Italy". "Oh, is she your weakness"? "Watch. It". Dad growls. "Or what"? "Or I'll release my bloody familiars on you". I mutter, glaring daggers at Anderson. As soon as Anderson leaves dad speaks. "I'm sorry he woke you". "It's fine, but he comes in here again and I'm gonna bloody kill him". "Alright. Do you want to switch rooms"? He asks. "No, I just wanna sleep". "I'll keep watch". "Okay, wake me if Anderson comes in again". "Yes ma'am". Dad jokes. I smile and enter the land of dreams once more. "Get away from him you filthy vampire". A woman shouts as I try to help her wounded son. I flinch afraid of being hit. "I-I'm not a vampire"! I say hotly. "I'm only half. I wasn't going to hurt him. I'm trying to help"! "We don't need your help"! She shrieked. "It's obvious you do. If I leave him here with that wound open he'll die"! I explain. "And just how do you know that"? The woman demands. "Because I've seen it happen"! I explain. "During a previous incident, I had thought just as you are; "just get them to a hospital and they'll be fine". The truth is... They never made it to the hospital. I'll be damned if I'm about to let it happen again"! I state walking over to the boy. I pull a large roll of bandages out of my pocket. I begin wrapping the boy's wound quickly. "Done"! I shout tying off the bandages. "Thank you". The mother says. "You're welcome"-. "BAM"! I jolt awake at the sound of a gunshot. A pair of arms snake around my back. "Alterra, It's alright, It's alright. You're in the conference room". "M-Mum"? "Yes, you're alright". "What's going on"? False vampires are attacking the manor. Your father, Ceras, and Walter are outside fighting them and Ari is in here just in case". "Who"-. "Your father brought you in here when they found you. He was angrier than I've ever seen him. It's even worse than when I was bitten". "Is he mad at me"? "No, not at you at them. He saw one of them bite you". "Ah, that's why. I passed out again".

"You're safe Alterra".Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant