Dark side: Activate!

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Alterra POV
"What do you mean"? Mum asks. "I learned that if my blood is taken without consent more than one time, I pass out. I guess it's a defense mechanism". I smile and hug mum
I hear glass break and jump up pulling my pistols from my belt. I glance at Mum and growl. 'Oh Hell no'! I go what I call red side . My eyes go blood red and I glance back. "Ari, protect Mum. I'm going Dark". I growl. As a false vampire charges me from behind I shoot it square in the head. Let me explain; when I glanced at Mum I found that I have a younger sibling on the way. When I said "I'm going Dark", I mean that I'm releasing the seal on my vampiric powers and thus losing my ability to protect my mum at close range, I gain certain advantages however. Such as advanced hearing, sight,smell, strength, speed, etc. I go full and start fighting. 'Don't let them pass'. Echoes through my mind as I go darker. I stop when the false vampires stop coming. Once everything goes back to normal I walk over and hug mum tightly. I look her over and do the same with Ari. 'Good they're both okay'.  I hug Ari and growl when the door opens. I relax when dad walks in. "What's the problem, Alterra"? He asks. "Some of those fakers got in". I say. I walk over to and slap him. "What the Hell! I have a sibling on the way and you didn't tell me"! I shout. Mum starts laughing and I do too. 'I'm a big sister'. I thought smiling. I hug Dad and alert him of the recent development. "Apparently, my body has developed a defense mechanism. If my blood is taken without consent more than one time, I pass out. That's what happened when the false vampires attacked". I can't quit smiling. I look up. Not even Anderson could ruin this moment for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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