The problem

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Yuuri's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes, I groaned and slowly hopped out of my bed. When I got to the door I reached out to grab the door handle and,*wham* the doors swung open knocking me to the ground. I got up rubbing my forehead to ease the pain only to see Ginter on the ground yelling," gomon your majesty gomon!"'he said bowing so fast he was pounding his head on the ground." It's ok Ginter your fine what have you come for?", I said. " Well I have come to tell his majesty happy birthday and we have a meeting thap you must attend to", he said getting off the floor.
"Oh thanks,what is the meeting about?", I asked pulling my shirt over my head. "Conrart told me I can not tell you that it will be discussed during the meeting", he said grabbing my arm and went out the door.
We opens the door and every one was sitting at a table, even Gisula and the three maids where sitting there. Wolferam was there but he dident seem very happy, so I went and sat down in an empty chair next to Conrart. "Ok we can begin", Ginter said nervously. "Ok well, Yuuri ahem ahem we have arranged a marriage for you!", Conrart said in one breath. "WHAT NO, I want to Mary someone that I love, not someone I don't know!", I said fruriosly. " I'm sorry Yuuri, but The Great One said that you must get married before your 18th birthday",Conrart said. "But I'm only 17 and just today, I'm not ready to get married!", I said trying to convince them. Then one of the soldiers bursted in."Your majesty your majesty, on of the human villages that formed an alience with us has been attacked by Big Cimeron!!", said the soldier. "What!, we have to go now!", I said jumping out of my chair. " No me and Wolferam will go you will stay hear Yuuri", Conrart said pushing me back down in my chair. " But Conrart I have to g-...."I said being interrupted. " Yuuri I sad no and that's that he came really close to killing you last time so me and Wolfram will go and you will stay do you understand? he said trying to sound respectful. " Fine!", was all I sad before storming off to my room.

"Uggggg, why won't he let me go I have been in way worse situations!", I thought. "Well I can't just stay hear I have to go to Big Cimeron I will not allow him to just attack anymore innocent people because that are allyed with us!" I thought one more. So I gathers some food and a blanket and snuck out the window. When I got to the stables I gave Oul and apple and set off towrds the ocean that seperated the Great Demon Kingdom and Big Cimeron.

Authors note
Hey so srry for any Mis-spells and stuff like that and srry if that is not the name of yuuris horse that is wat it sounds like in the show so if you know wat it really is please note it in the comments arigato syanara minna.
-miyoko Shibuya

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