Poor Yuuri

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Miyokos POV

Yuuri!! I yelled as I ran up to him. He looked at me as if he was trying to say something then slowly closed his eyes.
"Ha ha, finally the demon kings life has come to an end!!", Bellal said with a smug look on his face. "How could you do something so cruel, he just wanted peace between the two kingdom!", I yelled furiously. Then I felt teed rolling down my eyes." Yuuri has done so much and this is how he is repaid I thought?!", I thought. "Aww arnt you the one who was going to marry him, hmm pity kill the girl to!", he said. "NO!", I said and I quickly slashed my sword at the soldiers and took Yuuri outa there.
"Iv gotta get him back to the kingdom there is a chance he might still live.

"After my father dropped us of at Caloria, I found his horse and I put him on it but held him up from falling because if he fell forward the arrow would sink further into his body. Then got on and whiped the rains to the horse and headed back to the demon kingdom.

When we got to the kingdom I quickly got off the horse.
"O-open the gate now we new to get Yuuri to a healer now!", I yelled
When the saw Yuuri their eyes widened and opened the gate immidiatly.
So I ran in carrying Yuuri the best I could, then I saw Conrart. "Lord Conrart help!!", I said running to him.

Conrarts POV

"Lord Conrart help!!", a strangers voice said behind me.
I turned around and saw... His majesty's fiancé??, then I saw some one she layed on the ground.
" Yes wats happend?", I asked.
When she finally got to me she was trying to catch her breath. "Y-Yuuri was shot at Big Cimeron you need to save him now!", she said exsausted.
My eyes widend when I heard what she had to say. I quickly ran to Yuuri and saw there was an arrow in his stomach, so I carefully picked him up and took him to the infermey and Miyoko fallowed me.

Wolframs POV

"Wolfram, Wolferam ,go get Guisula now tell her His Majesty has been shot and needs treat ment!!", I heard Conrart say.
O-ok I said and ran to get her.

Yuuris POV

I heard voices so I tried to open my eyes, and then I saw Conrart and Miyoko Then I heard two more people enter the room. They where Wolfram and Guisula, but they where blurry. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. " We need to pull the arrow out and cauterize the wound my magic can't heal this Conrart!", I heard Guisula say. "w-what I tried to say", I said now remembering that Bellal had his gurds shoot me. "He is awake Gisula what do we do?!", Conrart said worried. " Well we hav to pull it now we can't wait any longer!", she answerd. "what is going on?", I said the best I could. "Yuuri this is going to hurt but you are going to have to be still okay ", Conrart said.
"W-what no!!', I said when I finally found out wat he was talking about.
Then Guisula took hold of the arrow sticking out of me and she slowly started to pull it out. I felt the worst pain ever as she was pulling it out. I screamed in agonizing pain and I felt tears rolling down my eyes. I ran out of my breath and then I screamed out "STOP!!", I screamed and then I saw the rest panic so Conrart held down my upper body and Wolferam and Miyoko where holding down my legs. Finally Guisula got it out. I let out a sigh of relief but I was still crying over how bad my stomach hurt. "Alright get that metal stick over there in the fire!", Guisula said to Miyoko. Miyoko graves the object as she was told. " no Guisula , please stop!," I pleaded and cried to her. "I'm sorry your majesty I have to!", she said with sypothy. Then she took a pair of sissors and cut my shirt open. She took the metal stick and stuck it on my wound, I screamed agin and then every thing went black.

Authors note

Kon-nichiwa minna, wow I think this chapter was way more dramatic. I made my self Cry writing it I felt bad idk y so comment and tell how it was
Syonara minna
- Miyoko shibuya

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